
Tuesday, January 1, 2008


  • here are the benefits that "Internet" can give you rather than "library"
  • (red colored text are referred as the library while yellow stands as the Internet)
  • you can have your research by gathering all relative books
  • you can have your research by just typing on the web
  • you should walk around the entire library as of to find your desired book
  • you just need to sit down and relax while waiting for the search results
  • should go and get another book if the first book is not informative enough
  • just go to other related searches from the web
  • you need to write down and take note the important details

  • just a "copy-paste-print" process you can even save it for awhile

you need a library card so as to borrow a book

  • you can have the information as many as you can (no ID verification needed)

  • you must gather a picture that will fits your research

  • you can have many images as you want by just " scan-print" process

  • imagination is your main tool to visualized your research in your mind
  • there are lots of videos to be wacthed based on your research

your time was limited due to library closing hours

  • you can make research as long as you want
  • books are limited "first come first serve" is the policy
  • no first come first serve policy you can have it all
  • you are restricted to make any noise
  • you can even play radios,mp3's or have an ipod during your research
  • "no foods allowed"
  • eat as you work

  • "turn off your cellphone policy"

  • you are not restricted to use your cellphone while researching

on the other side'here are the list of benefits the library has rather than using Internet

  • Internet makes our work easier

prevent us from being so dependent and from laziness

  • effortless
  • must offer lot of effort in researching although you will feel the rue feelings of accomplishment

may just give you the excerpts or summarization but not the actual book that contains the complete articles or chapters

  • you can have the actual book with complete chapters

do i missed something? just tell me

well with these comparisons where do you prefer to make your research "internet" or "library"