
Friday, May 30, 2008




At last im here now with my last post for the month of May and of course as a tradition here in Bluedreamer's Paradise We are to featured blogs for our "Interesting Blog Of the Month portion"
but this time its going to different of all my previous IBOTM holders

i dont have interviewees only but a blog reviews
Since our theme for this month is all about "Memories" i would like to lend this portion to my friends here in the blogosphere who became inactive and definitely quit blogging.
Well i know they made it for a reason...
so i want to make a tribute for their blogs...

Is it so sad to lose a blogger friend? where in at first you taught that he/she would be there for you to support your blog no matter what

its sad especially if you realized that he/she was visiting you not because he/she just want to increase his/her traffic and page rank but visiting you because he/she enjoys what he/she sees on your blog and they find the blogosphere as a door to open for Friendship.....

and then you will just know that they will quit blogging for a cause....

so let me give a tribute with this following blogger friends that once been here in my blog for their regular visit and support and they will always be here in my blog til my last page of blogging

they witnessed me as a beginner and how i improve. they help me to develop my blogging skills from scrathes to this one as you see

let me start with my friend who never believes that im just 18 at that time weve talked

he tolds me that an 18 years old can never think of that ideas( he was refferring with my post about the "leave a comment principle check here)

he's such a great man..... and a great commentator in my blog he comment with sense

i like his blog the way he express his own taught

his blog, Thoughts of a pervertive Greek Mind,

brings different things for hs readers, the content of his blogs mostly dealing with funny things like videos, posters and news that mostly weirds, and ofcourse how come i shold not miss his selection of funny commercials on TV

his last post is about funny videos from Japan. He didnt inform us that it would be his last entry.... he just quit for no explanation but no matter it was
im still thankful that i once had him here in my blog!!

Another one was my friend Dann of Mylove hub


if you would remember Dann was been featured already in my IBOTM last February

but than i really notice his inactiveness at that time

Dann's My Love Hub features anything with LOVE....

you will be impressed with his romantic thoughts and idea....

Dann is my first buddy here in the blogosphere so ill treasured him a lot

He never post anything why he became inactive blogger but he told me that he was just too busy with his works and studies.........

So long Dann...... We'll miss you!!!

Another buddy is in my third spot

I found his blog and my blog with similarities thats why he really took my attention at the very first time i visit his blog

well im reffering to Mr. Viruz of the "Hall of fame" blog


his blog features all the best things from different fields like music and entertainment

he once featured my blog to as a Blogger hall of famer

is it so amazing??

unfortunately Mr. viruz suddenly quit the blogosphere

and much worst was he deleted his blog

hope to see you soon Mr viruz!!!!!

hola another blog was

Sweetiepie's Clumssy Mommy......


Sweetiepie was one of my active reader recently

but then i went over her blog she told us that it was her last post entry...

i was shocked but when i read her reason why....i just said to myself maybe she had made a right choice
choosing of prioritizing her family first rather than focus herself too much in blogging

Sweetiepie's Clumssy mommy was a diary blog where you can relate and compare everything in your daily lives

what nice with sweetie is that ..she told us that no matter what...just give her a shout on her blog and she will be there!!! how seet isnt?

for all of you guys!!! i now you may never saw this page ...

but then as a tribute and a matter of thankful and appreciation
i still want to give this award for you.....

my award for IBOTM

thank you so much guys

