
Thursday, May 28, 2009

An Award and a Tag

"My A-Z Favourites List Tag"

I was Tagged by Foongpc of My Very First Blog. He created this fun Tag. Thanks dude.

*Begin Copy Here*

1. Start copy from "Begin Copy Here" until "End Copy" to your blog.

2. List your favourites from A-Z.
For example, starting with the alphabet A, you can list down your favourite Actor, your favourite Anthem, favourite Aerobic exercise or even your favourite ABBA's song. As long as it starts with the letter A.

Then move on to alphabet B. You can list your favourite Book, or Bag, or Blog, or even your favourite Boxer shorts! It's entirely up to you!

Repeat the same with alphabet C, D, E and so on until Z.

If you can't think of a word that starts on that particular alphabet, you may visit My Very First Blog for a comprehensive list of words.

3. Tag 7 people.

*End Copy*

My A-Z Favourites List
Actor - Robin Williams
Beverage - Coke Float
Cartoon - Jimmy Nuetron
Disney Character- Pluto
Egg dish- Omellet
Flavor- Cookies and Cream
Game - Badminton
Hobby- Drawing
Idiomatic expression - "Whatever Floats your Boat"
Japanese Anime- Yu Yu Hakusho
Korean food- kim chee
Lord of the Rings Film - LOTR "fellowship of the Ring"
Movie- Resident Evil
Number - 27
Opera singer - Susan Boyle
Perfume- Calvin Klein
Quotes- "Its Hard to fight against laziness especially if you're to lazy to fight against it (lolz)
Rapper - Eminem
Song - If We Hold On Together
TV Show- Eat Bulaga
US State- Oklahoma
Video Game- Final Fantasy game series
Wizard- Dumbledore
Xmen Character- Gambit
Youthful actress- Miley Cyrus
Zodiac -Capricorn

now im tagging my fellow blogger friends: Your caring angels ; Yellow Shoelace ; Public Mind ; Writer Cramps ; Umma's Blog ; Twinkletoe writing space ; Pinay Wham

Its nice to see that im Welcoming back the Tags, Memes and Awards here on my Bluedreamer's Top Five. I decided to put them all in one blog designated just fro tags and awards and since i deleted that blog, im bringing them back here.

"One Lovely Blog Award"

This will be my 3rd One Lovely Blog Award and this time it was given to me by a new friend When Life Becomes a Book. Thanks !!!

Now im passing this award to
when i wander
Life Reflections
Kareltje en Ikke

Have a great day and happy blogging to everyone!!


My Photo

Life Ramblings