
Sunday, July 5, 2009

I love blogging!

I was in college when i first touched and learned how to operate a computer. I don't even know how to surf a Website at that time and all i know is to deal with some of the basic computer application like Microsoft Word, playing tunes with my Windows Media Player, using Paint, Excel and PowerPoint. So Basic Isn't? I could not even imagine that one day i will enter this world and learn such thing as "blogging". It all started when my friend asks me to create an account with Friendsters (Facebook is not that popular during those time). We never had a computer course in our school and we don't have computer at home either. That is why i always feel out of place whenever my classmates have their group discussions sharing their thoughts about Friendsters, Youtube, LAN Games, Online Games and more. I was so ashamed for my self. I find them so complicated so hard to understand but since i am so curious and so passionate to know more about them, i try my best to learn each and every process of how to deal in what they called "Social Networking". I was so amazed of how everything works, wondering how everything was done and how everything falls into one place. I will become a teacher so soon with Mathematics as my major subject in teaching. It's so sad that most public school academic teachers are underestimated in terms of their technical ability. They thought that our journey as a teacher starts from school and will end on school, facing the students and the blackboard with chalks and lesson plans as our main and only tool. I just want to change that perspective upon us and that is the start of my dream that someday , i will be owning a Website, creating a place where i will have my readers, sharing my thoughts, knowledge and ideas and to prove that a teacher like me can performed multi-tasking no matter how related it was or not in our profession. I am not a Techie person so first i thought that creating a Website will be as easy as counting numbers not knowing that i will have to pay for it and it will requires me to have, at least, a brief technical knowledge or background. I found that so depressing til i discovered the Web Log or "blog" for short. The easiest way to create and to organize your site. Blog opens a door for me to enter a new world that is beyond my expectation.

What encourage me to have a Top Five Concept for my blog?
Actually, i really dont know the exact reason why i came out with this kind of concept. What i know is i just want to be unique and i want to share out information and some additional knowledge to my readers.I dont want them to leave my blog without learning something new.Just like a relationship of a teacher to his or her students. Honestly, i am so lazy and not so fond of reading very long articles and i know most bloggers feel the same way and that is why i made each of my entry well-visualized so even they dont read the articles included in my post they can still share their opinions and comments just by looking at those images.

Who's Bluedreamer?
Bluedreamer is a simple blogger who loves music so much. He's an active commenter and visitor and always love to share his opinion and comments to his fellow bloggers. In real world, i am the complete opposite of Bluedreamer. I am a loner type of guy and dont have enough confidence to express what i feel, share what i think and do what i want. That is why i love to blog. I feel that im in a different world every time i open my computer. It feels like a dream for me. Bluedreamer covered out my entire personality in real world filling up those empty spaces in my life. Blogging helps me a lot in developing my self confidence, increasing out my self esteem and giving me hope that there is a possibility for me change.

The Success of this blog will not be possible without you guys who keeps on supporting me. I dont want to treat you just as my readers nor followers or fellow bloggers. You are my friends. You motivates me a lot through your comments and regular visits.I owe everything on this blog to you. When i started blogging, it took me 6-7 months before this blog was recognized by other bloggers.That is why i keep on motivating other bloggers to keep on posting and never quit blogging. I encountered so many bloggers who started from scratch til they became active and almost stand out as a professional blogger. Im happy to see my readers growing. I feel so sad whenever some one quits and happy whenever another blogger friend came in.
Blogging will help you in so many ways. You will encounter different faces, people and personalities with different beliefs. For some, blogging could be more than anything. I know there are so many things i haven't learned yet in blogging but this will never discourage me. My learning process will continues to progress through the help of my blog, continue to explore new things, setting up new ideas, gaining more friends. In the end, i just want to say that i am Bluedreamer and i simply loves blogging!

I am making this as a re-post since this Entry made it to Top 4 ..... and was included in a poll survey to win a one year free domain!!!
please vote for my entry here
Thanks a lot!!!