
Sunday, January 10, 2010

A great start

Happy 2010 everyone... i know it's kinda late for me to greet you but i just want to thank everyone ho keeps on supporting my blogs despite of my absences. I am hoping that 2010 will be a great year for me. 2010 is such a great start for my blogs and sites especially now that almost all of them got PR. We all know how hard to get PR and i am very happy that at least i got PR 1 for most of my sites. PR 1 is not bad at all right? and it is such a great start for me!
Here are my blogs/sites status
Song To Remember --- PR2
Online Journey --- PR2
Super Blog --- PR2
Feed Your Mind --- PR1
Bluedreamer --- PR1
My Daily Newstand --- PR1
Positive Thinking --- Pr1
Tv Marathon --- Pr1
Just Buzzing --- Pr1
Pictures of my life --- Pr1
Blue Tech --- Pr1
Our Little Corners --- Pr1
Mom's corner --- Pr1
Breaking the boundaries --- Pr0
Top Five --- Pr0
World of Creeps --- Pr0
My Adventures --- Pr0
The Comic Series blog --- Pr0

This somehow motivates me to continue what i'm doing. This is my passion and i just love doing it.
Thanks a lot for making this possible! Have a great day and Happy blogging!