
Monday, April 19, 2010

Blog Idol Invitation

hi everyone, i will now discuss everything about the new season of Blog Idol

The New Concept:
We will stick to our main concept of the game which is music but this time instead of dividing the participants into two groups, we will only have one group until the end of the game.
Here's an image to guide you.For each week, we will have new song category (for example 1st week: Beatles Songs 2nd week: Mariah Carey songs and so on...) Each participant will present their song entries for each given category.
The game is estimated to run for about 2 months and a half. Don't worry, if you think that it is very time consuming if you join this game, well it's not because it is a one time submission only. I will provide a link to all the participants that will direct them to a page where all the song categories for the entire game is posted. All you have to do is to submit all the song entries (total of 9 songs) in that page and it will now be counted. It doesn't matter if you went on hiatus during the competition knowing that i already have your song entries.
Generally, the competition is not about how good you are in singing, it's all about song choices and how clever you are to pick the right song.

The New Rules
Every week i will post your song entries here in my blog. There are now 2 ways to earn a vote.
Poll Survey. I will place "Poll Surveys" in all of my selected blogs where all readers can vote. Obviously, you'll gain one entry per vote in the poll survey.
Comment Based. Another way to gain votes is by encouraging others to comment here and in my selected "voting site of the week". Commentator should state that they are voting for you and for your song entry to make their comment valid. Take note that a commentator can only vote once a day. So meaning to say, it is okay for them to vote for you several times in a week. You will gain 2 entries per comment.

Each Participants should be willing to place the sponsor's badge in their blogs but they can remove it after the competition or as soon as they got eliminated.

Currently i have 4 sponsors. If you want to become a sponsor just leave a comment here.^_^

For those commentators who will vote here will also gain an entry. the more comments the more entry you'll get. there'll be a prize for the lucky commentator in which we will be calling him/her as the Idol commenter:

The Prizes:
before, in my previous Blog Idols, what i can give is just a plaque and EC Credits but now as a matter of appreciation for your continuous support in my blog, Blog idol winner will now receive 30$ via paypal! Top 2 will also get 10$. Idol Commenter will get "I am a blogger" tshirt (will explain this soon)
To summarize it all
BLOG IDOL 2010 ........... 30 USD and EC Credits
TOP 2 IDOL .......10 USD
and EC Credits
and EC Credits

I am now inviting participants for Blog Idol Season 3
It's a first come first serve, only first 12 blogger will be included
here's the link Blog Idol Invitation


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Caroline Ng May Ling