
Monday, April 12, 2010

"Enthusiasm" Giveaway Contest

Are you familiar with the word “Enthusiasm?” What does it really mean? I first encountered this word when I was working in a call center. During our training and even we’re already in the production floor, our trainers and supervisors keep on reminding us that we should all sound “enthusiastic” every time we’re handling a call. Meaning to say, we should all sound, somehow, energetic to let the customer know that we are interested in solving their concerns. Because in call center, as much as possible, as a call center agent, you should try not to sound robotic as if you are reading a script well sometimes we do because a lot of customers hate talking with computer-automated voices. To make it clear, let us search the meaning of it online.
In Merriam Webster dictionary, Enthusiasm is defined as religious fanaticism while other online dictionaries defined the word as intense enjoyment, interest or approval. As I did a deeper search about this word to find out the actual meaning, I found out that enthusiasm is initially defined as vain belief in special revelations of the Holy Spirit or God as the term was first used in Greek Mythology but later the word has lost its meaning and has been redefined simply as strong excitement of feeling.
Enthusiasm and its meaning are still, somehow, confusing to me but as what they said, you’ll never know a thing unless you experience it. Maybe this is what inspired my friend, Fida Abott to write her newest book entitled Enthusiasm! Fida is an award winning author and has released award winning books like “What Prayers Does Mommy Teach Me?”, “Dancing in My World”, and “Amerindo Kitchen in Series”. And now, I am so excited with her newest inspiring and captivating novel ~ Enthusiasm. It will motivate you to follow your dreams and pursue your goals in life knowing that this novel is actually based on her real life story.
Fida Abbott (who is one of my top commentators as well in which I am very proud of) is now running a contest in her blog to spread the word about her newest novel. Winners will get a chance to win free trade paperback copy of "Enthusiasm" book with author's autograph and a beautiful bookmark. This is also my reason why I wrote down this post entry because I really want to have a copy of this book and her autograph too! . This book will help me to get to know more about Fida and her journey in life and also to find out how enthusiasm help her to achieved her dream. According to her site,, this book is filled with hope and inspiration, strength and enthusiasm and book will draw out the best within your heart and mind. Now I am getting more excited! If you want to know more about her ongoing contest, you just have to drop by on her site at, to know more about the details. You can also catch Fida and her newest book in these upcoming book fairs:
◘ Book Expo America 2010 in New York (May 25-27, 2010)
◘ Beijing International Book Fair (Sept 2-6, 2010)
◘ Frankfurt International Book Fair (Oct 6-10, 2010)
◘ London Book Fair 2011.
Have a great day everyone hope you enjoyed it! Happy blogging!


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