
Thursday, April 22, 2010

Shower of Blessings

I have so many reason to be very thankful this week especially after watching "American Idol : Idol Gives Back" last night. I am so thankful not because Tim Urban got eliminated last night actually i prefer Casey James or Aaron Kelly to be sent off yesterday
American idol had a very special and star studded night yesterday. There is a part of the show last night that really touches my heart and almost brought me to tears. There was this young girl, who is at a very young age is suffering from AIDS and Pneumonia. I felt so pity and how i wish i could help her. It makes me realized that i should be very thankful in my life because the big problem i have right now is ten times bigger than what they have. I know God has a reason for everything, maybe this is a wake up call to everyone that it is about time for us to make some change. From that, i am very thankful to God for giving me such a wonderful life, friends to count on and family who always there to guide me all the way. I thank him for giving me protection against those kind of illnesses and giving me strength to keep me standing still in every trials.
Moving forward to the positive side, i am also thankful, i was like jumping out from my chair because 2 of my favorite tv shows is now on their season 2. First is my favorite anime musical comedy ~ K-On and the other one is another musical comedy from Fox ~ Glee. yikes! so excited to watch the next episodes.
Another reason to be very thankful this week are the awards i received from my fellow blogger friends.
Thanks a lot Ishmael for sharing this Award. I am so glad to have a friend like you too!

I also like to thank Mariuca for giving me this three lovely award. Thank you so much!

I think it's just right to share this back to all my fellow blogger. I will share this awards to my top 10 Commentators : SK, Caroline May Ling, Mariuca, Monica, Tekkaus, Merryn, Bluecrystal Dude, Nisha, Ishmael and Fida Abott.

I also like to thank Caroline May Ling for mentioning me in her friend list. thanks Caroline i really appreciate that.
Another reason for me to celebrate is because i got the package from Foongpc yesterday. So a million thanks to you Foong.

See what's inside this package Here
So that's it for today. have a great day everyone and always be thankful for even the simplest things you got. Happy blogging!