
Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Been Busy lately

I've been very busy lately and missed all the chops in my favorite blogs haha that is because i have to help my mom in taking care of this ongoing house reconstruction. It is quite irritating hearing those non stop hammering and drilling sounds (not to mention my brother's irritating screaming music that he always play in his room). We have to move our things from one room to another which really gives me a hard time.

I guess you will all feel the same way seeing such these mess, right?

Finally, the ceiling in my room was fixed hahaha
Here's Mr carpenter working with the roof.. I said that i will post him in my blog and makes him a celebrity LOL.

Here's my little room being re constructed... I am sleeping with my sister's room while mine is not yet done haha

Anyway here's a picture of my little brother eating Halo Halo in Chowking, will post more about this soon.

Anyway, while i am on my sister's room i found these stuffed toys and reminds me of Foongpc haha
No, actually these are our stuffed toys when we are just a kid. These are older than us actually..
Okay, tease me now! My mom used to buy us stuffed toys so wehave something to hug every night..
I brutally play with these toys hahaha no wonder why the panda bear on the left lost his nose LOL

Here's Foong and his friends haha. Okay here's their names
from left to right
Kelvin, Michael, Mike and Mikey

They are now owned by my sister which i think very appropriate with her gender LOL..
have a great day!
will post a new top five entry in my next post.

Meanwhile, you can still vote for your favorite idol here

My Photo

Caroline Ng May Ling