
Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Blog Idol TShirt First Draw Winner

Sorry guys if i can't blog hop today.. Just busy taking care of the house renovation.
Today, i will pick the Blog Idol T-shirt Winner
I used to pick the winner.
The Winner is No. 14
(check the video below and a screenshot below)
PS: sorry for the bad graphics huh ^_^

No. 14 is homebodyhubby

Pls send me your Mailing address and the size of the T-shirt at or add me to facebook (same email ad) and send me a message there.
Item will be given by the end of the game

Since we still have one more T-shirt to be given away.
I want to ask your suggestion about the Tshirt design.
I decided to use the Blog Idol Logo instead of the Blogger logo. thanks to Foong(^_^)

1. "I am a certified Blog Idol" Design

2. "I am a Blog Idol" Design

3. "Blog Idol logo Only" Design

Which is the best design?
thanks a lot!
and congratulations


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