
Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Picture of the Day # 6

Today i will be sharing two pictures. This is also my chance to thank 2 fellow bloggers.

I would like to thank Merryn for featuring my Artwork at her Crafty-Crafted Site. I really like this site of her. is a perfect place to see wonderful and creative artworks that all your kids will enjoy. My younger Brother, Milzon and i, joined this site and will share our artworks soon. So if you have projects and creative artworks to share, don't hesitate to visit Merryn and her very cute son, Ethan at
By the way, here is my first project featured at Crafty-Crafted. It is a Storage box made out of Popsicle sticks. You can see the step by step instructions HERE

I would also like to thank Fida Abbott for this lovely book which i just got yesterday. Aside from the book, i also got a free bookmark, postcard and her autograph. yippee.. I will share more about this soon. I am now reading her book and will give my review once i'm done.