
Monday, July 5, 2010

The 8th Photo Tag

Finally, i got a perfect time to post this entry. I was tagged by 2 fellow blogger buddies Tekkaus and Foongpc
"8th Photo In The 8th Folder Tag"
I have so many photo folders in my pc so i'll pick one and here's what i got!I told you, i am a cowboy and i eat everything even this"Chicken feet" We have a lot of them here in Philippines being sold in by street vendors here.
Wanna try?

If you wanna do this tag
Here are the rules ....

1. Go to your photo files, select the 8th photo folder

2. Select the 8th photo in that folder

3. Post that photo along with the story behind it

4. Then challenge 8 blogging friends to do the same!

I will not tag any blogger today because i think they're all done with this hahaha

Today's featured Song in my Song To Remember, is a song from one of my most favorite duos of all time, THE CARPENTERS Check it HERE