
Wednesday, July 21, 2010


You've been following this competition for almost 2 months, vote for your bets week after week. I can say now that this season is the most successful Blog Idol I've ever had. Even though we had in some trouble at the beginning, we were able to fix it and make the competition much stronger.
I would like to grab this opportunity to thank all the voters(bloggers, twitter and facebook users), for spending your time and vote for your Idol. This competition will not be possible without your support.
Thank you as well for our generous sponsors who gave their trust for this competition.
And of course thank you my Blog Idol participants for making this contest alive.

Please do watch this Video as a tribute.
with one of my favorite songs
"Thank You For the Music" by Abba

And now it is about time to crown our next Blog Idol Winner.
Who will win 35$

I am pretty amazed with these 2 remaining blogger and the effort that they have shared to promote their songs.
and after the 10 days of competing..
the blogger who got the most number of votes ........
drum roll......
drum roll......

is Faisal Admar !

with a total of 129 valid votes!

Bananaz got 105 valid votes.
of course let's give Bananaz a round of applause for making it this far. He did a great job.

Congratulations Faisal Admar !

Please take this Blog Idol Winner badge
You will received the Prize this week after i inform the sponsors

By the way here are the Top 11 Idols and their Prizes
Top 1 Faisal - 35 $
Top 2 Bananaz - 15 $
Top 3 Mariuca - 10 $
Top 4 Bill - Capiz Box and Key Chain
Top 5 - Marites -Capiz Box and Key Chain
Top 6 - Nisha- Capiz Box and Key Chain
Top 7 - Ishmael- Capiz Box
Top 8- Fjordan- Capiz Box
Top 9 Stevehan -Capiz Box
Top 10 Fiel Kun -Capiz Box
Top 11 Sendo - Capiz Box

Some of You haven't sent me your Home address... Will contact you again.

Thank You again for your support. Til next year for another exciting Blog Idol Event!