
Saturday, August 21, 2010

Blog Idol Tee 2nd Winner and "Be My Guess Top Five Lister" Invitation

Hi there guys... yikes.. so sorry if i wasn't been around lately.. i am just too busy with everything especially now that midterm is coming. I really have to focus on this before anything else. But do'nt worry I'm still be around and will try to visit your blogs.
For the meantime, here is the final post related to my Blog Idol Game. It is time to announce the 2nd winner of the blog idol Tee. Winner was drawn via We have a total of 466 voter entries...
And the lucky number is the no. "311"

311 is from a facebook voter "Pet".
I am sure she is from Malaysia too.
Congratulations and thank you for the support.

And by the way, i am inviting all of you to be my GUESS TOP FIVE LISTER this coming September.
All you have to do is to make your own Top five list and submit it to me by leaving a comment here (or through my facebook)
You do not have to provide the entire information, Just give me your Top five and i will do the rest of the job (like gathering related information and gathering pictures)
For Example;
Blogger A submitted this Top Five Entry to me;
Top Five wonderful places from Thailand- Top 5=_____, Top 4=_____, Top 3=_____, Top 2=_____ and Top 1=_____.

All Submitted Entries will be posted on the entire month of September in celebration of my Third year in the blogosphere.
Thanks guys