
Saturday, August 7, 2010

Random Post and Announcements

Hey there guys... i will have some announcement to make today. First is about my blog idol prizes.
Money prizes has been sent already to our Top 3 but the Capiz Boxes are still here with me for the following reason.
* As much as possible, i want to send all the items once.
* I do not have all the address yet
* Some submitted addresses do not include the zip code. Post office is not accepting packages without zip codes

Meaning to say, there will be some delays with the shipping of these items.

Another announcement is about the Blog Idol T shirt Second Draw. It will be held this week so watch out for it.

My Song to Remember 2nd anniversary special is still going on and right now, i am on my11th song. It is chart single hit from Bob Carlisle and a very inspirational song. The song tells a story about a father and his daughter. It is a very sad song and you should listen to it too. Check it here

Our Little Corners is also celebrating its first year in the blogosphere posting my 2nd project for this month. A replica of Avatar's Wind Glider from the film and cartoon, The Last Air Bender.
Here's our finish product.

Check the Details Here

Have a great day and happy blogging