
Sunday, November 28, 2010


Okay.. this is not a sponsored post everyone haha... But it is something related to it... I mean, that's really our main topic today... Some of you might be familiar with blog advertising while some didn't care that much. I've been to blog advertising for almost one year. It was Ate Joy who first introduced me and the one who encouraged me to join. This blog was Pr3 before and she told me that it is great opportunity to submit my blog to a blog advertising company and will give me a chance to earn while blogging. I tried it first at Pay Per Post and i did earn some bucks. Since i am not so familiar with the SEO and i am not aware that too much participating here will kill my PR, i ended up losing my page rank. In my one year of paid blogging, i have joined several sites already. Some are good paying sites while others are not and some are nothing but trash (especially The But today, i will be sharing you the
This list is based on my own experiences. I am just referring to all Sponsored Reviews Paying Sites and not those Affiliate Marketing like Adsense and Nuffnang.


LinkFromBlog is a new site yet very reliable. I placed this site on the fifth spot instead of Payperpost and LoudLaunch because of it's fast approval. STRENGTH: The Approval of your articles will just take more or less 24 hours. However, you have to meet their $50 Threshold before you can cash out the money. Unlike other paying sites, You do not have to wait 30 days or two weeks before getting paid. Most of the Offers do not have deadlines. You can do them anytime you want without any pressure FLAWS: The offers here are not so high compare to SponsoredReviews and BuyBlogReviews. It ranges to 0.10 above. The site has this "Bidding system" which is very time consuming. There is no assurance with this bidding system that the advertiser will approve your bid or not.


Blogvertise is also a good paying site. STRENGTH: You do not have to bid here or to reserve any opportunities. The admin will send you tasks to complete. The offers here are high. They ranges from 7$ and above. (But it depends upon your PR). The Higher your PR is the greater opportunities you'll get. Since there is no bidding here, you do not have to compete with other bloggers. Tasks will be given to you via email. FLAWS: It takes 30 days before getting paid. Sometimes the payment are delays. They are requiring you to post at least 3 paragraphs per tasks. Too Many Links Required for a post.


Social Spark is such a great paying site. It is one of the sister site of the IZEA (includes paying sites like Sponzai, Inpostlinks and Payperpost). STRENGTH: They got very high offers. Ranges from 5$ and above. Will give you a chance to request a slot if you are not qualified for an Opportunity. Here, you'll get a chance to send message directly to the advertiser and ask them to give you a chance. They also have this "Real Ranking System" and not really relying that much to PRs. You can also meet other bloggers using this site and add them to your friend list. Of all the Paying Sites, Social Spark has the greatest interface. FLAWS: It takes time for the advertiser to approve your Post. The site is very demanding when it comes to the opportunity, so as their rules. You cannot post any sponsored post before or after your sponsored post taken from their site. Once you get caught, the post will be rejected and will not give you a chance to edit your work. It takes 30 days before payment and they also have 50$ threshold before you can cash your money out. They will also require you to add the "This sponsored post written in behalf of....." statement badge and the disclosing badge image. So time consuming. You have to finish the article within 12 hours.


Sponsored Reviews is very recommendable too. STRENGTH: You get paid after 2 weeks. Once the advertiser liked your work, you will still received the same offers even though it is not available in the site's marketplace. Their Bidding system compare to other sites like Buyblogreviews and LinkFromblog, is not that time consuming. They set default prices for each blog of yours and you can bid for an offer all at ones. FLAWS: The most common opportunities here are about Casinos, Pharmaceutical products, Essay Writings, and Insurance. There is this 50/50 system. If the opportunity is worth 5$, you will only received 2.5, which is quite unfair for the effort you provide in making the post.

Payu2blog is the best paying site for me. STRENGTH. All the assignment are set to 5$ per article. Article should have at least 60 words (compare to the 200-300 per word articles required to other sites). You do not have to compete with other bloggers here or bid for an opportunity. Just like Blogvertise, the admin will automatically set assignments for you. But unlike Blogvertise, they do not send the Assignments through email. You can see them to your dashboard once you logged in. They will send you not one but up to 40 and above assignments at a time. You have 7 days deadline which is long enough for you to prepare. They pay you after 2 weeks. They will send you assignments every week or every other week. They pay really high knowing that you can received so many assignments per week (and it worth 5$ per assignment remember). FLAWS: They will not approve any blogs with sub domain (blogspot, wordpress, typepad), and those blogs registered under any IZEA group of sites like Social Spark, InpostLinks and Sponzai. The payment are sometimes delay but sometimes advance.

Making Sponsored Post has many advantages and disadvantages too. Yes it will give you an opportunity to earn money but it can also ruin the theme of your blog. You also have to lie sometimes to make the sponsored reviews more relevant to you but of course, as much as possible do not do that because it will also ruin your credibility as a person and as a writer. It will also test your writing skill and how creative you are in making a sponsored post without telling them that it is a sponsored post. It will also measure your skill and how creative you are in inserting those keywords. Sponsored Post is just one of the options you have. there are many ways to earn money online. You can focus on those affiliate marketing sites like Adsense and Nuffnang. You can also earn money with those Pay you to View sites like Clicksense and Neobux. You can also earn money just by tweeting through Sponsored Tweets. and more.

By the way, don't forget to visit us at Our Little Corners. We are currently featuring our last art project for this month. We are making Santa Elves out of Empty egg shells. Feel free to visit our site and don't forget to leave your comments there and let us know much do you like our crafts. We will have bigger projects next month so i hope you drop by and visit.