
Friday, February 25, 2011


Blog Title
Still crazy after all these years...
Blog Author

Blog Category

What Is Your Blog All About?

Anything of interest in my everyday life but mostly on food as that seems to interest the majority of my readers the most.
When And How did you start Blogging?

7th March 2008. Out of the blue, a friend set up a blog and sent me a message telling me that I had a blog and I had to go and post something in it.
Blogs I Like (Characteristics)

Interesting, happy ones with lots of photographs. Honest, sincere ones...not pretentious, boastful.
Blogs I Dislike (Characteristics)

Those without photographs and those with paid posts most of the time. I also avoid depressing blogs with all the moans and groans, complaining about everything under the sun.
What Motivates you to Blog?

Lots of visits and lots of people commenting. These show that there are people interested and would like to read my posts and see my photographs.
Who Are your Target Readers?

Everybody and anybody who may be interested.
What is Your Most Favorite post and Why?

No favourite post. Every one of them, I like. After all, I was the one writing them. LOL!!!

Things We Should Expect from your Blog these succeeding months

More of the same. Since it is a winning formula, I do not see any need to change it at the moment.

Tips For Our Readers About Blogging

Be sincere and be yourself.

Thank you so much Suituapui
for allowing me to feature your very interesting blog. Please do take this "Excellent Site Award" as a matter of appreciation.

Follow Suituapui at Still crazy after all these years...
Watch out for my next month IBOTM Awardee.
Once again, this is Bluedreamer and Suituapui
, Breaking the Boundaries!