
Friday, February 4, 2011

The Next Youtube Sensation!

I was surfing the web last night to check for some movies to watch when i discovered that Justin Bieber will have a documentary concert film entitled "Justin Bieber: Never say Never". It will be shown in 3 D. I just don't know if this documentary film is something worth watching for. Well, i am not a big fan of this guy but i was just amazed how far he has gone from being a Youtube sensation to an international icon. I don't like most of his songs except for "Pray" which is very inspirational and he was able to prove there that he really has a voice. Justin Bieber is just one of the many artists today that rose to fame because of Youtube.
Youtube has become a very powerful tool today if you want to become popular. I wonder what will happen if i will create my own Youtube too. hahaha. I'm sure it will take decades for me to gain a hundred and i will end up buying Youtube views LOL!
Speaking of which, you can actually Buy Youtube Views online! This process is mainly used by most bussiness owners who are targeting online costumers. We know how hard it is to promote a product online and in order for a business to grow and to become more visible on the web, you have to use such procedure like buying Youtube viewers to make it possible. Aside from Youtube, it is also possible to Buy Facebook Fans and also to Buy Twitter Followers. Social networking sites has proven effective in online marketing and I'm not wondering why most businesses today make use of these sites to promote their products or service.
Anyway, i guess it is impossible for me to promote myself in Youtube. You know why? Cause i don't have any talent to showcase... Sobs! haha