
Sunday, June 19, 2011

For my Lola

Yikes! I failed to update this blog for almost a week! Need to catch things up, I'll be on a blog hopping mode later.
Anyway, this is a very special post. I am dedicating this to my late Grandma. I used to be a Grandma's boy and I really miss my Lola (grandma) so bad. It was her First Death Anniversary last Saturday. I don't think i can use the word "celebrate" for this since celebration talks more about parties or happy gatherings.(Picture of my grandma with Milzon and Mirasol)
My lola and I were really close to each other she's like my great adviser. I'm sure if she's here with me now, She will definitely encourage me to fix the gap between me and my father and will force me to greet my dad this Father's Day.
How I wish God gave her more years to stay so that i can show her all my achievements, i can invite her to my wedding day and I can introduce her to my kids. It's really hard to accept that you just lost someone who is really close to you, someone that you spend your whole life with. It's hard but i have to accept the fact that she's gone. I know that she's with my Lolo (grandpa) now and she's happy to where she is now.
I remember we used to listen to our favorite radio station together. I used to sing with her too especially when the station is playing her favorite songs. My Grandma is the reason why i love Old music.
So today, i'll be sharing one of her favorite songs from Julio Iglesias. I remember we used to sing this together especially the "cucurucucu" part since that's the only part I know haha. So Lola if you're listening now, this is for you.

Happy Blogging guys!

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