
Friday, June 3, 2011

I'm Sort of A Book Lover Now!

Do you love to read books? Well, i am not fond of reading books but i am setting up a goal this year to finish at least 2 to 3 novels. I'm almost done with Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows (6 more chapters to go yay!) which makes me so excited to watch the upcoming film. It is so nice to read some of those scenes that are not yet revealed in the movie and of course, i don't want to be spoiler here so you better read the book on your own risk (haha can't imagine I'm throwing those words confidently LOL). So what's next after Harry Potter? Well, got two books here, cousin Dona shared two of her old novels to me after she heard that I am taking Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows seriously haha. She is such a book lover and she's very supportive to this new hobby of mine.
Anyway, I got two old yet worth-reading novels here. The first one is John Grisham's The Client and the second one is The Gift by Kirk Douglas.

I have heard that "The Client" was adapted already in a film. It's more of a mystery-thriller novel which makes me so excited about it. Though, I am not sure about "The Gift"! It is a Romantic Novel. Well, i don't mind reading horror or sci-fi books but Romance?.....errr... A Big NO unless that story goes something like The Notebook. But then we'll see, besides, The Gift has 360 pages only compare to 600+ pages of both Harry Potter and The Client Books.
They said that "Books are people!" It will give you an opportunity to meet great minds of past and present. Through reading, one is able to appreciate the wisdom of Shakespeare, the reasoning of Plato, the philosophy of Socrates, the compassion of Lincoln, and the ideas of Freud on human behavior. That's very interesting to hear right?
Reading improves your intelligence as well as your writing. Same thing goes with blogging. I am not a good writer here but comparing my works when i was just a starter, i can say that my writing improved a lot and I owe it a lot from my blogging experiences.
Well I'm not saying that I can now write my essay in a professional way since I'm still having issues with my grammars. I might still consider getting some essay help from my blogger friends or get cheap essay online if necessary.
Good books help us to grow intellectually. It helps us to form our own ideas, thoughts and feelings about ourselves, things and others. Books are precious tools that man can use to succeed. Oh and they are the cheapest form of education i know.
I am currently looking for a nice book to read, any recommendations guys?
