
Tuesday, November 29, 2011

How's Blue?

This is so great, I failed to update my blog for almost 3 weeks and it is so disappointing that i can hardly find time to blog and to visit you guys (I miss spamming your blogs too ^_^). I'm really sorry guys but I am assuring you that I'll be back (actively) this December. It just so happen that my computer at home is not working. My PC got corrupted and I had to replace my CPU. Everything is doing well with my job and the schedule is not that stressing anymore. I am also planning to buy a mobile with that is capable of mobile blogging so that I can check your blogs from every vacant time that I have. As of this moment, please bear with me guys, i am currently adjusting with my new situation. It is really depressing not to visit your blogs and not to update mine. Just give one more week and I'll be back to my regular blog hopping routine. Thank you so much for your consideration . Miss yah all!

By the way, we do not have IBOTM portion for this month but I'm going to have two blogs next month. Have a great day guys and Happy blogging to all.