
Thursday, January 26, 2012

Looking For A Nice and Clean Working Place

This post brought to you by Contest Factory. All opinions are 100% mine.

Yesterday, January 25, was officially my third month in the company that i am currently working with. So far, everything is okay and I'm doing great but i just can't deny the fact that it is quite stressing to deal with irate customers and non-stop calls everyday. It's more like a regular routine for me now aside from trying to catch things up with my daily blogging adjustments. There is no such thing as easy job as what they say or if there is, then you might not be so proud of it because you didn't even exert any effort or hard work for it. Anyway, i think i just have to bear with all of these and i'm sure something nice will happen in the near future. I just wish we have a nice and pleasing working place in the company. Working in a call center industry is too much different from other office jobs because we do not have a stable shift and a stable location as well. We were assigned on a certain cubicle during our shift but that would not be permanently for us because another agents will use our station when our shift ends. It's pretty fine with me actually but it is quite irritating to see all the mess they leave in my station when it is my turn to work. I used to clean my station before i leave and i wish they bring the courtesy back to me right?

Having a nice working place or environment plays a big role for making someone to be more effective and productive on his work. It is more like creating a nice aura to motivate you despite of your very stressing work. Well, i do not consider it YET as the worst or the most pathetic but it isn't that ideal space to work in . I wish i could take a video of my working area and upload it online and have it as my entry for the Pimp My Cube Contest that aims to improve someone's office. Check this video below and make it as your reference if you want to join,

Pimp My Cube is searching for the worst, messy cubicle or office that may have bad furniture, old technology, messy, unorganized, noisy, dirty, dark and/or any other attributes. You just have to upload a video showcasing your messy office and then once you submitted the entry, you just have to gather votes from your friends and officemates.  The grand prize of your cube being ‘pimped’ will be selected by CF judges based on various criteria including for the most votes, best (really worst) video and most compelling story. The contest has a total grand prize value of approximately $1200.

Prize is to update your office/workspace/cube with one of three prize packages:

o New high end computer system
o New Desk, Chair and Decorations
o New Entertainment Package with high end stereo, espresso machine etc.


A second sweepstakes prize of a $200 gift card will be awarded to the registered user chosen by random drawing at the end of the contest period. The contest period is from 12/5/11 at 12:00PM to 1/31/12 at 12:00PM. So you still have time to join and gather votes before January ends!

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