
Saturday, March 3, 2012


Do you play Twisted Metal? It's actually one of my favorite games when i was a kid. Twisted Metal is a series of vehicular combat video games published by Sony Computer Entertainment, and developed by various companies during its tenure. The series began on the PlayStation in 1995 and currently features seven games, with an eighth installment currently in production. It is the longest-running PlayStation-exclusive franchise with a total of seventeen years running from 1995 to present; the second-longest being the Gran Turismo series, which has spanned fourteen years.
Anyway, I listed five of my favorite Twisted Metal Characters. Have Fun!


(Driver : Bloody Mary)
Bloody Mary is the driver of Spectre in Twisted Metal: Blackand Twisted Metal: Lost. She is the first and only female driver of the vehicle and has not returned since then. Mary was the odd girl out during school. Her mom always assured her that she was just a "late bloomer." But those pleasantries didn't help much. Her first love was in grade school. Nervously she told the boy of her feelings for him...she had been working up the courage for months. She poured her heart and soul out to the young boy. His response couldn't have been worse... "I wouldn't kiss you in a million years, you ugly fat cow." With a shove, he pushed Mary into a pile of mud. Hurt and outraged, she knew she had to punish him. After that, she was never the same again..


(Driver : Captain Rogers and Colonel Hall)
Warthog is a recurring vehicle in the Twisted Metal series. Warthog has always had really good armor and poor speed in almost all installments of the Twisted Metal series. The drivers of Warthog have been mostly those who have served in the armed forces through most of the Twisted Metal franchise except in Twisted Metal: Black. Warthog is driven by Colonel Hall who wants to have an ultimate weapon to kill all the evil-doers in the world. Colonel Hall wanted to be a military man since he was a little kid. Right from the start he excelled at all forms of combat, and tactics came naturally to him. The army has sent him to compete in Twisted Metal wish for an ultimate weapon. When he wins, Colonel Hall wishes for an ultimate weapon; something that will enable him to easily take out all the evil-doers of the world.


(Driver : Dollface)

Darkside is a recurring vehicle in the Twisted Metal series. It is a black semi truck, driven by Mr. Ash in Twisted Metal, Twisted Metal 2, Twisted Metal 3 and as his young self in Twisted Metal Small Brawl. And Dollface in all other appearances. The vehicle's special weapon is similar to the one in Twisted Metal: Black, in that Darkside will accelerate and can ram into vehicles. Additionally, Darkside can use it's rear-fire to drop mines from behind the vehicle. Darkside's alternative special raises a trigun that can fire in a 360 degree circle. Dollface is a supermodel named Krista Sparks (which is the same name as Calypso's daughter) whose face was damaged in a car crash. She underwent facial reconstruction surgery and was left with a thin facial scar that her perfectionist mind saw as a rotting, maggot-infested mess. She assaulted her doctor when he told her that the scar could not be removed. She visited a different doctor, who told her to wear a mask that would supposedly correct her flaws in a matter of days. But when she returned to have the mask removed, the doctor had disappeared. The mask became stuck on her face and she couldn't take it off no matter what she did. Eventually she got involved with the Twisted Metal competition, in hopes of winning and wishing for the mask to be removed.

(Driver : Axel)
Axel is a character from the Twisted Metal series. He drives a two-wheeled contraption throughout the series. The vehicle itself is named after him. A prisoner in his own vehicle, Axel has roamed the world looking for an escape. A noble man pushed to the brink, Axel will destroy anyone who prevents his quest for freedom. But true freedom means confronting the man who placed him in the machine. Fueled by pain and anger, Axel builds the two-wheeled death machine for penance. He straps himself between the giant wheels to punish himself for the death of his wife. His guilt is eased each time his bare feet are shredded along the ground. Axel's Special Attack lets loose an electrified ring to damage nearby opponents. The Axel's new pirmary special, "Spiked War Wheel" is similar to the secret special in Twisted Metal: Black, combining both wheels into one with petruding spikes. The special will shield the player in a spinning wheel of death, which can be steered into opponents for significant damage. The secondary special is the classic shockwave that can also be charged up to knock back enemies caught in the blast radius.


(Driver : Sweet Tooth)

Sweet Tooth is probably the most famous (or infamous) vehicle featured in the Twisted Metal series. Driven by the clown-themed serial killer, Needles Kane, Sweet Tooth has appeared in every game in the series to date. Due its strong association with Needles, Sweet Tooth is occasionally mistaken to be the name of the driver as well as the vehicle itself.

Sweet Tooth is almost invariably depicted as an old-fashioned ice cream truck with pink polka dots patterning its white-painted chassis. Its exact shape varies between games, but it is usually extremely boxy and cumbersome-looking. Fittingly, its in-game stats favour armor and power over speed and handling.

One of the vehicle's most memorable features is the decoration atop its roof: a macabre clown head seemingly in the likeness of Needles himself. It mimics its driver's flaming scalp with firey orange hair or actual flames, depending on the incarnation, and some versions also show that it is the source of Needles' signature Napalm Cone weapon; massive, burning projectiles that can home in on enemy vehicles.