
Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Job and Blog Update

Hey guys! It's been awhile now since the last time I was able to update this blog. I haven't even checked your blogs recently. My work kills most of my time indeed but things will surely change pretty soon because I just filed a resignation last week but unfortunately, it will not be effective immediately and I have to render a month before leaving the said company. I really had so much fun working here despite of all the stress brought to us by those irate and demanding customers. I felt like I was being valued by the people behind this company and in fact, they just gave me a new job recently in which they assigned me to handle newly hire employees, groom them and teach them how to handle their calls properly. That's a great opportunity indeed, however, I have to think of other consequences of pursuing this job. Considering that I have to travel three to four hours ahead of my time just to reach my workplace is actually a good enough reason for me to leave. I thought i can bear with that kind of routine but I don't think I'm going to gain any sort of benefit from it in return.
In addition to that, We're going to move to a new place which is way too far from my workplace and that is simply unbearable. I know i have other options to take and I can rent a space somewhere near the office but I don't think my budget is good enough for that and I need to have a stable internet connection because of my online writing job too.
Oh well, maybe this company is not meant for me but honestly speaking, I hate to leave the company but I really have no choice at the moment. Nevertheless, I enjoyed my stay here and I will treasure all those things I have learned here. I'm going to make use of my 24 remaining days to do my job effectively so i can have at least a graceful exit from this company.
Anyway, with regards to the new place, We will be moving to our province temporarily. It's been a while now since I last visited the place and I badly miss the venue.
The house is very typical province house and is surrounded by trees and green fields. Putting some outdoor furniture is very ideal for a place like this because I'm sure you will prefer more to stay outside and view the refreshing ambiance. It's more like you are embracing the nature here. Remember the rattan outdoor furniture I have mentioned before? I think that's very ideal here and I might convince my parents to make some space on the terrace to place these outdoor furniture to make our house more appealing outside.
Well, guys, kindly bear with me for 24 more days and I will do my best to catch up. See yah guys soon