
Monday, July 2, 2012

Seven Random Things About Bluedreamer

I'm back from a short break. I attended the premiere screening of The Amazing Spiderman last Friday. I won a pair of ticket from Nuffnang and I will post the rest of the details in my personal blog soon (It's Me! Bluedreamer!). I know I have lots of things to catch up again but before anything else, I would like to share you an Award given to me by "Lawrence" of Colors and Grays.
I got another Versatile Award and I'm really grateful about it. It has been awhile guys since we have this portion so let me grab this opportunity to share this award with you.

The award comes up with Three rules.
1. Thank the blogger who gave you this award. Don’t forget to link his/her blog.
2. Post seven random things about you.
3. Give the award to 15 other bloggers you love and let them know you gave them this award.

Again thank you "Lawrence" for such a wonderful gift of appreciation. I've been into blogging for more than five years now and these blogging awards motivate me a lot to continue my passion. I'm really grateful to meet another cool blogger like you so thank you my friend.

Seven Random Things About Me
I've done this before so I think I should come up with a new list so here we go.

  1. I'm a frustrated Comics Illustrator LOL
  2. I'm a certified Anime and Cosplay fanatic
  3. I'm a big fan of Alanis Morissette, Adele, Dolly Parton and Taylor Swift
  4. I'm an Insomniac
  5. I love making Art crafts with my brother (Check our Art Blog Here)
  6. I'm eager to start an online business soon,,,, (wish me luck)
  7. I'm a Resident Evil and Silent Hill Fan

(Unreleased version of Resident Evil LOL)

Now, It's time to share this award to my fellow bloggers.

  1. Wenn of Experiences
  2. Yvonne of From TAIPING with L♥VE
  3. Lina of Life in My Own Backyard
  4. Twilight Man of TWILIGHT ZONE
  5. mynameisJohn of What's On my Mind
  6. Mai Yang of Flora the Most Awesome Goddess
  7. Simple Person of Simple Life
  8. Merryn of Home is Where my Heart Is
  9. Eric Lee of Ericleeh Can Go Very Far?
  10. Kianfai of Kianfai87
  11. Ishmael Ahab of Before the Eastern Sunset
  12. Enveeus of
  13. Yan of Blog With Yan
  14. Mariuca of Meow Diaries
  15. thecuriousme of The Curious Me

Have a great day guys. Will post our Top 10 Commentators Ranking tomorrow. See yah!