
Sunday, January 20, 2013

It's a New Beginning!

Heya! Wow, this would be my first post for this year and my first post after my blogging hiatus. I will try my best to catch things up and I know I have missed a lot here. I would like to welcome this year with a blast but I am going to take it slowly but surely. I was so overwhelmed by the things that happened to me last year and my job ate most of my time, taking me out from the blogosphere. Well, I am working online but it didn't give me much time to update my blogs.
I would like to say sorry for not visiting your blogs lately but I promise to bring my blogging routine back. I can't promise that it would be daily just like what I used to but at least once or twice a week will do. I prepared some drafts so that I can post it here without taking much time. I will try to update my blogroll too so if you guys changed your url or something or if you got new blogs, kindly inform me so that I add your link here.
As you can see, I changed my layout too as a part of my "comeback" if that's how you called it. It is a new beginning for me indeed. Wow, i didn't even realized that Blogger's text editor has changed and guess what, i didn't like it that much. I still prefer the old interface.
Oh, and did I mention that I am so proud of Mecoy who is now an active blogger. He is my half-brother actually but that's a long story to be told but I am happy for him.
So what are the things to expect from my blog this year? Well, I am planning to continue my Top Five entries but above that, I will try to make this blog more personal so kindly expect to read some random posts here. Most of my Top Five entries will become more subjective too.
It was so frustrating that I failed to have the Blog Idol competition last year and believe me I am so devastated that time and i even tried to kill myself (just kidding) hehe. Hopefully, we could bring it back much earlier this year.
Anyway, thank you guys for your support. Happy blogging and have a great day (whoah I missed that phrase hehe)