
Tuesday, June 11, 2013


Not all animals share the same type of behavior. Not all animals are considerably good pets especially the wild ones. These unwanted behaviors are probably a part of their defense mechanisms to protect themselves against their predators while others are truly dangerous in nature. In this world, we have the so called "survival of the fittest" and we, humans, are intelligent enough to top the food chain or at least that's what we think we are, however, that is not always the case. We might have big brains to invent things like guns and other weapons but we are not physically fit to survive against animals with giant claws and fangs or those that carry deadly poisons which can kill us instantly. Listed below are five of the most harmful animals in the world.

Author's Note : This is a remastered entry listed five years ago [see TOP FIVE MOST HARMFUL ANIMALS 2008]. My Top Five entries are being remastered due to several reasons; The images might not be working properly anymore; some details should be added or the ranking must be changed. The animals are ranked according to the estimated number of people they kill every year. 

Roaring in our 5th spot is the mighty Lion. They are known as the king of the Jungle and they are in the very top of the food chain in Africa. They lounge around all day, hanging out with the family and strike if necessary. Lions are strongly territorial but only from their kinds. They will fight off any strange lions who enters their territory. The battle could be vicious until one of them is dead. Lions are indeed dangerous by nature. They have a very strong eyesight used to seek for their prey. They also hunt in coordinated group, they run fast in short burst, they are naturally born with strong razor-sharp teeth and claws that can tear apart any animal (unfortunately it includes us). In fact, there is a certain breed of lions who are considered man eaters. They actively enter human villages at night as well as day time to acquire prey. Most of these man eating lions can be found in Tanzania and they said that the lions are killing 100 people every year in Tanzania alone. It is estimated that 550-700 people are attacked by lions every year. 

Snakes can't kill humans like how Lion does but most of their specie are extremely venomous that can kill a human instantly. Snakes use their highly modified saliva that contains venom to immobilize and digest their prey. They also used this as their defensive mechanism against their predators. The Philippine Cobra, for example is the most venomous cobra that has the ability that can spit his venom up to 3 meters. The venom affects cardiac and respiratory function that can kill its victim within 30 minutes. Most of the venomous snakes can be found in Africa and Australia including the Inland Taipan which has the most toxic venom of any land snake in the world. Each bite can contain approximately of 110mg of venom which is enough to kill 100 humans. Apart from venomous snakes, there are few species of snakes that are capable of swallowing a humans particularly Pythons who are nonvenomous ambush predators. 

Unlike in the movie Jaws, sharks are not bent on revenge. If they attack humans it's because they think we're fish. Whenever they sense blood in the water, they get excited and it can trigger one of their famous feeding frenzies in which they will bite everything that moves. Out of more than 568 shark species, only four have been involved in a significant number of fatal unprovoked attacks on humans: the great white shark, tiger shark, bull shark,and the oceanic Whitetip shark. Sharks strike no matter the time of day or the condition of the water. Hunger, territorial defense, movement, and mistaken identity are the main reasons for these attacks, which occur mostly along the coasts of North America, South Africa, and the Caribbean. They can weigh up to 4000 lbs and reach 20 ft long. They also have more or less 3000 sharp teeth. Every year around 100 shark attacks are reported worldwide. Australia has the highest amount of fatal shark attacks in the world with Western Australia recently becoming the deadliest place in the world for shark attacks. Unfortunately, most of these attacks are provoked by humans and for the record 100 million sharks are killed by humans every year in comparison with the fatality caused by shark attacks.

Jellyfish are virtually road bumps in the ecosystem. They have no brain and only serve to eat zooplankton from the world's oceans. Not all Jellyfish are harmful or even mildly dangerous to humans. In fact, there is a lake in Palau where tourists are even encouraged to swim along with a bunch of small and non-poisonous jellyfishes. The box jellyfish, also known as a sea wasp, lives off the waters of Northern Australia and is the most poisonous sea creature in the world.This translucent being patrols the beaches, basically waiting for contact with its victim. The simple act of stepping on a tentacle can signify death in four minutes.While no official tallies exist, anecdotal evidence suggests dozens of people and perhaps more than 100 or more die each year from the many species of box jellyfish that exist in all oceans. They have 60 tentacles 15 feet long and contain 5000 stinging cell per tentacle enough to kill 60 humans


We were expecting a big fearsome creature like the crocodile, lion, or shark to be the most deadly. However, the real number-one killer is much smaller and far more annoying -- the mosquito. The mosquito is a member of the family Culicidae; these insects have a pair of scaled wings, a pair of halteres, a slender body, and long legs. The females of most mosquito species suck blood from other animals. Unlike the animals that we mentioned above, we are no longer dealing with hundreds of fatalities here. Mosquitoes especially those Dengue carriers. These small but highly dangerous insects are responsible for over 2 million deaths per year resulting from both dengue fever and malaria infection caused by mosquito bites. 

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