
Sunday, June 26, 2011

Online Casino Danmark and ATM Trouble

Exciting! That's the best way to describe my newest online csino discovery. I used to be so addicted into games easily especially if i really find them interesting , enjoying and worth playing. Well, i am not really into gambling genre but i have tried playing such games several times already.
Actually i am more into Role playing video games and as a matter of fact, i am keeping myself busy now with Resident Evil 5. Okay fine! I know I'm so outdated with the game and I know that almost every gamer today is going gaga over the latest version but who cares? I love the game and I don't mind playing it over and over again. Though playing such game can be very boring sometimes especially if you're playing it alone and you keep seeing the same view all the time. That's why i find online games more interesting especially online casinos since you will be opposing to real players online. It is more challenging indeed since you will be dealing with real money here. And just like what Kenny Rogers said in one of his songs "If you're gonna play the game, boy, ya, gotta learn to play it right" which is so true. You have to be very wise in this game and it is a wise move to quit the game after winning several bets. Just like when you're playing spin palace, one of the most reputable casino site on the web provided by online casino danmark. It's really wise to quit sometimes either you won several bets or if you're losing the game consecutively. The luck will always not be in your hands.
Playing casino games like casinoeuro isn't bad at all as long as you play moderately. The issue actually starts when someone tend to bet more or even double his stakes when he won. Remember that the bigger your bet is, the bigger the amount you will lose.
Just play it all for fun that's all!
Anyway, it seems that i failed to update this blog for a week. Sigh! Should catch things up again and will be on blog hopping mode later on.
See yah guys!
By the way, just had an issue with my ATM withdrawal last week. The machine ate my cash. I dunno how to address the problem actually but i stayed for more than 6 hours outside the bank , waiting them to open haha. So embarrassing, i thought I can never bring my cash back. It was my first time so i was really freaked out. I even placed a fake "Off Line" sign on that ATM machine just to avoid other people from that machine LOL. After 6 hours of waiting, i was able to report my issue with that bank. They told me that the money will be return to my debit card after a week! What????? It was really irritating!! I was just planning to withdraw that money to buy something to eat that night. I was out of cash so i really need to withdraw. Should blame it to Balut and that very tempting Balut vendor grrrgh!!
Anyway, got my cash back today. Cheers!!
