
Monday, June 27, 2011

Random Notes And Someone Like You

Some sort of random notes or should I say series of unfortunate events.
► I had an issue with my ATM withdrawal last week. The machine ate my cash and have to wait for a week before the bank send the money back to my card. I was thinking, how if a man needs it badly, how if he needs to buy something really important like medicine for his ill son for example? Don't tell me he has to wait for a week or two before he gets his money back? That's very ridiculous. Oh well, i guess that's one of the disadvantages of ATM cards.
►Since i wasn't in the mood for writing last week, my pending PBs reached up to 46! Wazz up with that? Errrr, why is it so hard to earn money??? Anyway, good thing i managed to finish them all. I managed to keep myself away from Twitter, Facebook, Resident Evil, Movies for awhile haha they are such procrastinators. My fingers are like itching to access them haha good thing my willingness to finish my PBs once and for all prevailed more. Whew..
►And because i'm too busy with the PBs, i failed to do my daily blog hopping routine (again???). Okay punch me now!!
►Silly me! I bought 3 blank CDs last Saturday hoping that i can burn them and transfer all my music files on them. I spent 5 hours downloading those songs only to find out that my computer is not capable of burning CDs what a shame! I'm still using CD-rom what the? Must upgrade it so soon...
►My beloved Fritzy, the kitty i found outside our house, left us! My Auntie took her. Well, i am confident that she's in good hands but so sad she left us so early.. sigh..
►Anyway, despite of all these unfortunate events haha, I'm lucky to have Adele by my side. Okay, i save her songs on my phone and i keep my phone on my side, so I have Adele by my side right??? hahaha. I'm so addicted to one of her new songs. So soothing and relaxing to hear. There's nothing can be better than a plain piano music in the background, accompanied by her amazing vocals.
Here's Someone Like You for my MM entry for this week
You can really feel the song... so heart breaking...

Just in case the first video didn't work

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