
Thursday, January 26, 2012

Looking For A Nice and Clean Working Place

This post brought to you by Contest Factory. All opinions are 100% mine.

Yesterday, January 25, was officially my third month in the company that i am currently working with. So far, everything is okay and I'm doing great but i just can't deny the fact that it is quite stressing to deal with irate customers and non-stop calls everyday. It's more like a regular routine for me now aside from trying to catch things up with my daily blogging adjustments. There is no such thing as easy job as what they say or if there is, then you might not be so proud of it because you didn't even exert any effort or hard work for it. Anyway, i think i just have to bear with all of these and i'm sure something nice will happen in the near future. I just wish we have a nice and pleasing working place in the company. Working in a call center industry is too much different from other office jobs because we do not have a stable shift and a stable location as well. We were assigned on a certain cubicle during our shift but that would not be permanently for us because another agents will use our station when our shift ends. It's pretty fine with me actually but it is quite irritating to see all the mess they leave in my station when it is my turn to work. I used to clean my station before i leave and i wish they bring the courtesy back to me right?

Having a nice working place or environment plays a big role for making someone to be more effective and productive on his work. It is more like creating a nice aura to motivate you despite of your very stressing work. Well, i do not consider it YET as the worst or the most pathetic but it isn't that ideal space to work in . I wish i could take a video of my working area and upload it online and have it as my entry for the Pimp My Cube Contest that aims to improve someone's office. Check this video below and make it as your reference if you want to join,

Pimp My Cube is searching for the worst, messy cubicle or office that may have bad furniture, old technology, messy, unorganized, noisy, dirty, dark and/or any other attributes. You just have to upload a video showcasing your messy office and then once you submitted the entry, you just have to gather votes from your friends and officemates.  The grand prize of your cube being ‘pimped’ will be selected by CF judges based on various criteria including for the most votes, best (really worst) video and most compelling story. The contest has a total grand prize value of approximately $1200.

Prize is to update your office/workspace/cube with one of three prize packages:

o New high end computer system
o New Desk, Chair and Decorations
o New Entertainment Package with high end stereo, espresso machine etc.


A second sweepstakes prize of a $200 gift card will be awarded to the registered user chosen by random drawing at the end of the contest period. The contest period is from 12/5/11 at 12:00PM to 1/31/12 at 12:00PM. So you still have time to join and gather votes before January ends!

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Yay! Here comes our IBOTM portion and this will be the start of this year's batch. I am so happy to introduce you this very creative blogger. She's actually the person behind our wonderful Blog Idol Mugs last year. (You can check my post here)
Let us meet Roxanne Tamayo of Simple Yet Rock

Blog Title

Simple Yet Rock
Blog AuthorRoxanne Tamayo

Blog Category

What Is Your Blog All About?
It is a personal blog of Roxanne Tamayo blogging about random things under the sun.
When And How did you start Blogging?
I already started blogging since 2007, no pictures just purely words and sometimes I took pictures anywhere on the web. I restarted my personal blog last 2009.

Blogs I Like (Characteristics)

inspiring, informative, simple, can be colorful, neat,

Blogs I Dislike (Characteristics)

gambling, too much ads,
What Motivates you to Blog?
I have something to share that is why I am motivated to blog.

Who Are your Target Readers?

Anyone actually.
What is Your Most Favorite post and Why?
I can't tell my most favorite post because there are a lot of them. As long as it talks about travel, food, and learning experiences.

Things We Should Expect from your Blog these succeeding months

Just have fun with my blog and expect the unexpected. :D

Tips For Our Readers About Blogging
Don't blog just to earn money, blog because it's your passion. :D

Thank you so much Roxanne Tamayo
for allowing me to feature your very interesting blog. Please do take this "Excellent Site Award" as a matter of appreciation.

Follow Roxanne Tamayo at Simple Yet Rock
Also follow her at Fotografi Rox / Opinions Of A Young Lass / Cebuana Ako / The Left Handed Artist
Like her at Simple Yet Rock FB Page
Watch out for my next month IBOTM Awardee.
Once again, this is Bluedreamer and Mai Yang
, Breaking the Boundaries!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

I'm Getting Old

Yikes! I'm just 23 but my body feels so old. My back, my knee and my feet start aching as if they are too tired and shaky. I'm not sure if it's because of my weight, my imbalanced diet or lack of exercise but i really get tired so easily. Does this mean that i am not getting any younger and what i am experiencing right now is some sort of arthritis? 0__0
Oh well, maybe i was just taking it exaggeratedly because i came across a certain article on a health magazine a few days ago talking about this certain kind of arthritis called "gout". Gout can cause an attack of sudden burning pain, stiffness, and swelling in a joint, usually a big toe and it my occurred repeatedly unless you undergo necessary gout treatment. Gout frequently occurs in combination with other medical problems that's why gout treatment is really necessary to prevent the condition from getting worst.
I grew up with my grandparents and i knew how hard it was to deal with arthritis. I think almost tried different kinds of ointment to ease the pain and because they're old, it would be risky for them to undergo any surgery or operation just to get rid of the pain permanently.
Prevention is better than cure as what they say and we have to keep that in mind. Be careful of what you eat and be cautious of what you do. Health should always be your top priority than anything else. Keep all your vises away if there's any because they will bring no good to your body and you might just regret it in the future. Have your condition be checked regularly by your family doctor to prevent anything worst.
Anyway, I am wishing everyone a healthy and prosperous year.

Monday, January 23, 2012


Have you ever been in a National park? A national park is a reserve of natural, semi-natural, or developed land that a sovereign state declares or owns. Listed below are five of the most visited National parks in the world (though) most of them are in US actually. National Parks also serve as country's main attraction. The list was taken from



The Rocky Mountains stretch more than 3,000 miles (4,830 km) from the northernmost part of British Columbia, in western Canada, to New Mexico, in the southwestern United States. The Rocky Mountains were formed from 80 million to 55 million years ago by the Laramide orogeny. Since then, erosion by water and glaciers have sculpted the mountain range into dramatic valleys and peaks. At the end of the last ice age, humans started to inhabit the mountain range. Currently, much of the mountain range is protected by public parks and forest lands, and is a popular tourist destination, especially for hiking, camping, mountaineering, fishing, hunting, skiing, and snowboarding.


Yellowstone, widely held to be the first national park in the world, is known for its wildlife and its many geothermal features, especially Old Faithful Geyser, one of the most popular features in the park. It has many types of ecosystems, but the subalpine forest is dominant. The vast forests and grasslands also include unique species of plants. Yellowstone Park is the largest and most famous megafauna location in the Continental United States. Grizzly Bears, wolves, and free-ranging herds of bison and elk live in the park. The Yellowstone Park Bison Herd is the oldest and largest public bison herd in the United States. Forest fires occur in the park each year; in the large forest fires of 1988, nearly one third of the park was burnt. Yellowstone has numerous recreational opportunities, including hiking, camping, boating, fishing and sightseeing.


Yosemite is internationally recognized for its spectacular granite cliffs, waterfalls, clear streams, Giant Sequoia groves, and biological diversity. Almost 95% of the park is designated wilderness. Yosemite is one of the largest and least fragmented habitat blocks in the Sierra Nevada, and the park supports a diversity of plants and animals. The park has an elevation range from 2,127 to 13,114 feet (648 to 3,997 m) and contains five major vegetation zones: chaparral/oak woodland, lower montane, upper montane, subalpine, and alpine. The geology of the Yosemite area is characterized by granitic rocks and remnants of older rock. About 10 million years ago, the Sierra Nevada was uplifted and then tilted to form its relatively gentle western slopes and the more dramatic eastern slopes. The uplift increased the steepness of stream and river beds, resulting in formation of deep, narrow canyons.


The Grand Canyon is a steep-sided canyon carved by the Colorado River in the United States in the state of Arizona. It is considered one of the Seven Natural Wonders of the World. Nearly two billion years of the Earth's geological history have been exposed as the Colorado River and its tributaries cut their channels through layer after layer of rock while the Colorado Plateau was uplifted. Most visitors to the park come to the South Rim, arriving on Arizona State Route 64. The Highway enters the park through the South Entrance, near Tusayan, Arizona, and heads eastward, leaving the park through the East Entrance. Grand Canyon National Park became a national park in 1919. So famous is this landmark to modern Americans that it seems surprising that it took more than thirty years for it to become a national park. The Grand Canyon, including its extensive system of tributary canyons, is valued for its combination of large size, depth, and the exposed layering of colorful rocks dating back to Precambrian times.


Great Smoky Mountains National Park is a United States National Park and UNESCO World Heritage Site that straddles the ridgeline of the Great Smoky Mountains, part of the Blue Ridge Mountains, which are a division of the larger Appalachian Mountain chain. It encompasses 814 square miles (2,110 km2), making it one of the largest protected areas in the eastern United States. The main park entrances are located along U.S. Highway 441 (Newfound Gap Road) at the towns of Gatlinburg, Tennessee, and Cherokee, North Carolina. It was the first national park whose land and other costs were paid for in part with federal funds; previous parks were funded wholly with state money or private funds. The Great Smoky Mountains National Park is a major tourist attraction in the region. Over 9 million tourists and 11 million non-recreational visitors traveled to the park in 2003, twice as many as visited any other national park. The park has a number of historical attractions. The most well-preserved of these (and most popular) is Cades Cove, a valley with a number of preserved historic buildings including log cabins, barns, and churches. Cades Cove is the single most frequented destination in the national park. Self-guided automobile and bicycle tours offer the many sightseers a glimpse into the way of life of old-time southern Appalachia.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

It's Me! Bluedreamer!!!

Hey guys! I just want to grab this opportunity to promote my personal blog, "It's Me , Bluedreamer". I have been working on it for these past few months, trying to update it as often as i can. There's nothing really special here but unlike my "Bluedreamer's Top Five" , it doesn't stick to any certain theme or format. It's my personal blog so i share nothing but my personal opinion, views, thoughts, tips and ideas.
Today is my blog's 3rd year Blogversary and it is my very first domain. Hope you can visit me here and "follow" me through "Google Friend Connect"
Have a great day guys and thank you for your support!
Hope to see you there!

Friday, January 20, 2012

Supporting the Two W's

This post brought to you by Walgreens. All opinions are 100% mine.

Wikipedia has been one of the most powerful tools on the web. It is dubbed as the largest encyclopedia in the planet and has been a part of our everyday lives. This is the reason why bit came to me by surprise that the website is blocking their page (Wednesday) for 24 hours to oppose the SOPA (Stop Online Piracy Act) and PIPA (Protect IP Act) as being proposed by the US congress. This Online protest was supported by other high profile sites including Reddit , Facebook and even Google. Of course, i am with Wikipedia and even though it is not applicable here in my country, i still oppose that bill because i know how huge the impact will be if ever they pass the bill.
Well, it seems that the protest done by Wikipedia threatens the Congress and as a result, most of the co-sponsors of the said bill withdrew their support. I think there are better ways to kill online piracy but not through the SOPA and PIPA bills.
The issue between the web giant, Wikipedia and the bills that they are trying to oppose might have a good closure in the congress, i am hoping that the issue between Walgreens and Express Scripts will have the same too.
Express Scripts acts as a middleman between pharmacies providing the health care service and employers and health plans who pay for the medications. It is said that the negotiations between the two companies went unsuccessful due to some conflicts which lead to Walgreens decision to terminate it's partnership with Express Scripts.
But despite of this, Walgreens avid customers will still receive  great benefits and discounts in return as the Prescription Savings Club at Walgreens is being offered.
For $10 a year, a family membership covers everyone in your immediate family, including a spouse, dependents 22 and younger and pets. Individuals may join for $5. Join and receive discount prices on your prescriptions. Other benefits include:
-Savings on more than 8,000 brand-name and all generic medications
-Discounts on flu shots, pet prescriptions, nebulizers and diabetic supplies
-Bonuses when you purchase Walgreens brand products and photofinishing services
If you're an avid customer of Walgreen, then better show your support by following Walgreens on Twitter or liking Walgreens on Facebook.

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Tuesday, January 17, 2012


I'm sure you guys are not familiar with this list not unless you are also a big fan of "One Piece". Listed below are the top five most powerful Shichibukai or also known as Warlords. Shichibukai are the 7 powerful and well-known pirate captains who have allied themselves with the World Government. The Shichibukai seem to be a mixture of the more chaotic Yonko and the more orderly Marines. The majority of the Shichibukai are composed of New World veterans; those who have met the Yonko or even confronted them. As far as the current Anime and manga timeline is concern, sorry but i had to exclude Jinbe and Crocodile on my list since both of them decided to fight against the Government and lost their Shichibukai position.



Boa Hancock is the only female member of the Shichibukai. She is the Snake Princess (蛇姫 Hebihime?) of Amazon Lily and rules over the Kuja tribe with her two younger Gorgon sisters, Boa Sandersonia and Boa Marigold. She is considered by many to be the most beautiful woman in the world. While she currently remains employed within the Shichibukai, her love for Monkey D. Luffy has caused her to turn against the World Government on a number of occasions. Hancock is a very complex woman. At first glance, she appears to be selfish, pompous and spoiled, used to having her own way. She can also act arrogant and cruel, usually justifying her less-than-admirable actions with her apparently unmatched beauty, causing her to think that she can get away with anything because the world will forgive her. Hancock is widely considered to be extremely powerful by friend and foe alike. Ruling beside her sisters, Hancock has power over Amazon Lily and the rest of the Kuja women. As the Empress and Captain of the tribe, she is most likely the strongest Kuja warrior. Her strength is so great that it has even been acknowledged by Fleet Admiral Sengoku of the Marines. Those who fall in love with Hancock by seduction are susceptible to a range of techniques used by the Devil Fruit which turn people into stone.


Bartholomew Kuma is a Shichibukai and former revolutionary with a bounty of Bsymbol.gif296,000,000. He was once feared as an extremely vicious pirate, earning himself the title "Tyrant". He is a type of cyborg called "Pacifista" developed by Dr. Vegapunk. Once Vegapunk finished his modifications on Kuma, the Shichibukai was converted into the first complete Pacifista cyborg with the serial PX-0, and figuratively died in the process. Kuma is an enormous man, nearing 7 meters tall, he is the tallest remaining Shichibukai (being one inch shorter than former member Moriah) and is usually seen carrying a Bible. His overall appearance resembles that of a bear, though there are a few key differences. Despite his imposing figure and his past reputation, Bartholomew Kuma is a very calm and quiet person. In addition to his demeanor, he can also be seen as somewhat of a benevolent character, especially compared to the other Shichibukai. Kuma is one of the few people to have completely defeated the entire Straw Hat Pirates, and is also the only character introduced so far that has defeated the crew single-handedly, twice.


Dracule "Hawk-Eyes" Mihawk is a member of the Shichibukai and the current holder of the title, "Greatest Swordsman in the World". Mihawk serves as Roronoa Zoro's swordsmanship teacher during the two-year timeskip. Mihawk is a tall and lean man with a short beard and sideburns that point upwards. His nickname comes from his strangely colored yellow eyes, which resemble a hawk's eyes. Dracule Mihawk is possibly one of the most serious characters in One Piece; very little seems to surprise him, he rarely smiles, and he has only been seen laughing once in the series so far.True to his epithet, "Hawk Eyes," Dracule Mihawk has exceptional eyesight, able to easily track Luffy's high speed Gear Second movements, and strike with extreme precision, releasing a long-range slash at him while there was a chaotic battlefront of New World pirates and Marine officers between them.Mihawk's strength is so great that Don Krieg accuses him of having the power of a Devil Fruit; however, in the Databooks, his abilities appear to be simply brute power and skill.


Marshall D. Teach commonly referred to as Blackbeard , is the captain of the Blackbeard Pirates and one of the Yonko who rule over the second half of the grand line, the New World. He also briefly held the position of Shichibukai after handing Ace over to the Marines, but has since forfeited the title after gaining new crew mates from Impel Down before taking over his former captain's territory and becoming one of the Yonko. He is one of the main antagonists of the series. Blackbeard has become the first and so far only user to wield the powers of two Devil Fruits at the same time. Through unknown means he acquired the extremely destructive powers of the Gura Gura no Mi from the dead body of Whitebeard and is now able to create earthquakes like his old captain.With the power of darkness (Yami Yami no Mi), which "reduces anything to nothingness", and the power of quakes (Gura Gura no Mi), which "brings destruction to all", Blackbeard claims himself to be truly invincible and the strongest of them all.


Donquixote Doflamingo is one of the Shichibukai. His former bounty is Bsymbol.gif340,000,000. Doflamingo is a large, blond-haired man who generally dresses in flamboyant clothes. In reference to his animal theme, the flamingo, his clothes are brightly colored with his feathered coat being distinctively pink. He also has an odd way of walking, a bow-legged waddle (but he does not always walk like this), which is also a reference to his animal theme, a flamingo. Doflamingo is one of the most carefree characters in the series. He seems to have a penchant for dramatic phrasing, as well as a habit of exaggerated posing when giving declarations. He also appears to fear nothing and no one, as he openly taunts Fleet Admiral Sengoku, sits on the table during the Shichibukai meeting and shows only gleeful interest at the thought of warring with Whitebeard. He is the only Shichibukai known to fight one of his fellow comrades (Gekko Moriah) and actually seriously hurt him (though he was aided by a small group of Pacifistas and Moriah had already taken some damage from the war). Doflamingo possesses an as-of-yet unnamed ability to control people's bodies like puppets. He can make his victims move as he wants by moving his fingers accordingly. Doflamingo mainly uses this power to force comrades to fight (and kill) each other, while Doflamingo himself sits at the sidelines and watches. It is currently unknown what the limitations of his abilities are. He has shown himself capable of controlling more than one person at the same time, without apparent effort.

Thursday, January 12, 2012


Happy Friday the 13th guys. This will be my second post for this month and for this year (exactly one week after my first post ....sigh). I'm happy right now that our government is paying more attention to our tourism. They even launch a brand new campaign and a slogan saying that "IT IS MORE FUN IN THE PHILIPPINES". Of course, as a Filipino myself, i should say that it is indeed more fun in the Philippines. Our country can provide more than what any tourist can wish for. To support this campaign, i made my own list of reasons why it is more fun here in the Philippines! Hope you like it guys!



Filipinos are very religious and we pay big respect with our culture and tradition and most of them are still being applied until today. Did you know that we celebrate Christmas season as early as September. People will start decorating their houses with colorful lights and Parol (star lanterns), you will hear the children carol from one house to another as early as November and the markets will be flooded with different Christmas decors. Filipino used to celebrate it luxuriously in a way that they will fill their tables with different kind of dishes that are traditionally served during Christmas. Since Philippines is an archipelago, we do have different religions and the majority is Roman Catholic, followed by Christians and Islam. The second picture above is the recently held feast of the Black Nazarene. Each year, the procession of the Black Nazarene makes its way along the streets of the Quiapo district, with attendees reaching up to 6 to 8 million devotees. It had the longest celebration last January 9 as it took more or less 22 hours.


If you're a tourist, then you can't just leave the country without trying any of their special dishes. Philippines has it's own offerings too. We have our very own "Adobo" which involves meat or seafood marinated in a sauce of vinegar and garlic, browned in oil, and simmered in the marinade. We add sugar to make it sweeter. We also have the "Kare-kare"It is made from peanut sauce with a variety of vegetables, stewed oxtail, beef, and occasionally offal or tripe. It is often eaten with bagoong (shrimp paste), sometimes spiced with chili, and sprinkled with calamansi juice. We also have the "Sinigang" which is a stew or soup characterized by it's sour flavor because of the tamarind. We also have the "Balut" , the"Penoy", "Isaw" and other street foods. As for the Dessert, we have the "Halo-halo"


The Ati-Atihan Festival is being held annually in January in honor of the Santo Niño (Infant Jesus), concluding on the third Sunday, in the island and town of Kalibo, Aklan in the Philippines. The festival consists of tribal dance, music, accompanied by indigenous costumes and weapons, and parade along the street. Christians, and non-Christians observe this day with religious processions. The Sinulog and Dinagyang festivals are being celebrated the same way.
Panagbenga Festival is a month-long annual flower festival occurring in Baguio, the summer capital of the Philippines. The festival includes floats that are decorated with flowers The festival also includes street dancing, presented by dancers clad in flower-inspired costumes, that is inspired by the Bendian, an Ibaloi dance of celebration that came from the Cordillera region.

When it comes to Festivals, there are just too many to mentions here but these celebrations have been a part of our own culture to give thanks to the patrons. Each event symbolizes a certain history or that town or city.


We have lot's of things to offer here including. We have the 3rd (SM City North EDSA) , the 8th (SM Mall of Asia) , the 12th (SM Megamall) ,the 17th (SM City Cebu) and the 22nd (Greenbelt) largest malls in the world. Your day may not be enough to explore them all hehe.
As an archipelago, we are surrounded by different water bodies and marine ecosystem. The biodiversity here is simply incomparable and almost a huge percentage of marine species were discovered here in the Philippines. We also have famous beaches including the Boracay that is well known for it's white sand and clear blue water and is also considered as the mother of Philippine Tourism.
We have lots of famous landmarks here including the Chocolate Hills in Bohol, the almost perfect Mayon Volcano in Albay, and of course the Puerto Princesa Subterranean River National Park which is provisionally chosen as one of the new seven wonders of the world!


Can you smile despite of the problems you encounter everyday? YES we can! The Filipinos are considered a simple and happy people. This is evidenced by the fact that many Filipinos love to celebrate for any reason even with meager resources. The cheerful disposition of Filipinos may sometimes surprise and strike the foreigner as a lack of seriousness but upon knowing more about the customs in the Philippines, one would understand that cheerfulness is a part the country's culture. Philippines is the 14th place of the happiest people in the planet according to a survey. Nowhere in the world can you find a group of people where the hospitality is as much as the Filipinos. It is here in the Philippines where everybody, regardless of color, race, origin, or any differences for that matter, people are treated equally and hospitably. Filipinos are famous for being welcoming and warm to all of their visitors, expected or not. The home of Filipninos are always open to visitors.
So go ahead guys and visit our Country because it is MORE FUN HERE IN THE PHILIPPINES!

Thursday, January 5, 2012


Hi guys, this is my first Top Five Entry for this year. I'm sorry but this is some sort of a bias list of my most hated Tv personalities haha. I love watching TV especially those reality programs and music or singing competition but we can't deny the fact that in every show, there should always be a villain, an antagonist or someone who is simply irritating.
listed below is my personal list of



Okay I know she's hot and she made a sex video with singer Ray J haha but seeing her on the headline almost everyday as if she want us to know everything that is going on with her life is just too tiring for me. Well, she is a celebrity and we can't deny the fact that even when she simply changes her hairstyle or if she picked up a wrong clothes, it will still hit the news BIG time. Sigh


Well first, she reminds me of Annie Wilkes (Katie Bates) of the film , Misery hehe. Anyway, Rosie was actually one of the most loved tv personality during her award winning "The Rosie O' Donnell Show" in the mid 90's but after her opinions and views became more liberal and after her show (The Views) gained so much controversies as she opens up some sensitive topics about politics, she became one of the most hated tv personality around.


Hell's Kitchen and Kitchen's Nightmare, these titles really suits him well hahaha. I love the show actually and i love how he manage to change a kitchen from a scratch to an elegant looking restaurant, however, this temper-prone reality star has called his chefs every name in the book, including "dumb blonde" and "f-ing donkey."I know his one of the greatest living chef in the world but it doesn't mean he has the right to badmouth or to discriminate small time chefs right?


Do i need to explain more about this guy and why he deserves to be here in this list? haha Actually, as a fan of Idol and X-factor, i am really nothing against him because after all, these reality competitions will be very boring without him, however, there are some moments when Simon is taking himself out of the box and provide unreasonable judgement to the contestants.


I should praise him for being a great and successful comedian but his personality especially when he is greatly influenced by alcohol and drugs, is not as appealing as his comedy acts. No wonder why he was fired from his very own show. This pervert guy who dated a number of adult film actresses has been married three times and is concurrently living with two ladies. (what the heck???)