
Thursday, September 27, 2012

Wonderful Blessings

Hi guys, sorry for my very late update. I just want to share you the wonderful blessings that came to me these past few weeks. I am really really grateful and blessed indeed. Well first, our online business is on and we're just too happy for the outcome. As you all know, we've been planning to start this business even before and we're lucky enough that we finally got a chance to start. We're making charms out of Polymer clays. I saw it first online and I decided to find any possible ways to learn such craft. I attended several workshops and more and after a few months of practicing, I guess, we're good and confident enough to showcase our own made crafts. 
You can check our Facebook page Here

Surprisingly, another blessing came to me a few days ago. Remember my Ntrust entry? Yes, I am so thankful that my post were chosen among the three lucky winners of the recently held Ntrust Contest.  The contest was held by Nuffnang PH in partnership with Ntrust. You can check the details about Ntrust in my entry here or better yet visit their official Facebook page at 
Moving over to the contest, I won their second prize. I won an iPod Touch 64Gb and this is actually the biggest and most expensive prize I have ever won online. It came to me by surprise and I am really grateful about this blessing. 

Allow me to grab this opportunity to thank my sister who joined me with my Ntrust entry. Of course, I would like to thank both of the Nuffnang and Ntrust for coming up with such a wonderful contest. It's so nice to meet you guys in person. Cheers!
Have a great day guys and Happy blogging to all..