
Tuesday, March 26, 2013

High School Memories

I am a frustrated teacher I guess but I'm sure someday I will have enough time to fulfill that dream. My Sister Mirasol just graduated from High school and allow me to grab this opportunity to congratulate her for her hardwork for accomplishing her four years in  High School. I'm not sure yet what course she will be taking soon but I wish her all the best for her next journey.

I actually don't have the best high school memories and I honestly didn't enjoyed it that much. Errrr... I am a geeky one and I used to spend most of my time studying , reading books, and the rest of the things that will certainly please my teachers LOL.

FIRST Year - As a freshman, everything is quite new for me. It was a huge public school and there are more or less 40 different sections for Freshmen. I remember my section was I- Bougainvillea (Section 8). The competition isn't that tough and I managed to do well in my first year. I was elected as our class president in four different subjects and finished it first. It gave me so much confidence indeed.

SECOND Year - Unfortunately I was separated from my previous classmates and I was transferred to II-Atis (Section 2) and here's where the tougher competition arrived. Being in section 2 was a big challenge for me because I am competing against those students who are more competitive than mine LOL. The first grading period was the lamest time of my life as a student and I even got a failing grade of 76 for my Algebra. Yikes...It became a wake up call for me to make it better and after the second period, I managed to pull my grade up to 85 ^_^. I remember myself being bullied here but i learned that the best way to deal with it is to ignore them.

THIRD Year - I am not as competitive as before and I accepted the fact that my classmates are better than mine but I tried my best to earn satisfying grades. Oh and guess, my classmates was not bullying me anymore and I feel like being valued and respected here. World History has become my most favorite subject here.

FOURTH Year - This was my last year in high school and thing went better more than what I expected it would be. I got my very first recognition since first year for my Civil Technology class and it came to me by surprise. I am probably a late bloomer but this is my first time to realized that I have a crush on someone but I am such a stupid guy who kept it for myself hehe.

If there's one thing that i regret, it is the fact that I never let myself  become closer to anybody else. I have lots of friends but never had a best friend who I can talk to about some personal matters.