
Wednesday, March 20, 2013


Time for another Top Five Entry. Pokemon is probably one of the longest running anime today which tells a story of  Ash Ketchum and his journey to become the greatest Pokemon Master. While he started his journey alone, many people have joined his party while touring the Pokémon world; usually at least one new companion joins—and another leaves—every time a new region is visited. Generally, as of this moment, Ash was accompanied by eight recurring characters and some other companions who joined him in his travel temporarily. Listed below are five of my favorite Ash's companions. Have fun!


Cilan is one of Ash's current companions. He came from Striaton City. He was intrigued to see an Axew and remarked that it and Iris seemed to be perfect partners. He then noticed Pikachu and examined it excitedly, having never seen one before. Ash later fought him in a Pokemon Battle to earn the Trio Badge and he was lost. Cilan meets up with Ash at the Pokémon Center and begs him to tell him his battle secrets for future reference as a Connoisseur. After spending the day with Ash and Iris, Cilan decided to accompany them on Ash's journey, serving as the navigation as well as the cook. Cilan is an A-class Pokémon Connoisseur who can see the compatibility between a Pokémon and its Trainer.As a Connoisseur, he can read into people's personalities and often finds the best ways to approach them. He's patient and caring towards Ash and Iris, often offering them advice when they don't know what to do. While he has been shown to lose his temper, he quickly moves on and will go out of his way to make up for it. He tends to be an optimist looking at things positively rather than wallowing in defeat.

Misty , as we all know, is the first ever person who decided to accompany Ash in his journey but her purpose was ostensibly to get Ash to replace her bicycle, which he had accidentally destroyed when they first met. However, Misty often seemed to have forgotten about the bicycle, indicating that her real reason for following along was that she simply wanted to remain with her friends. Misty is the youngest of four sisters who live in the Cerulean Gym. Fed up with her more glamorous older sisters, Misty left the Gym with the goal of becoming the world's greatest Water Pokémon Trainer. Misty can be sweet and optimistic at times, but she is best known for how easily she can be angered, crazy, or frustrated, and how loud and violent she can become in response.  Interestingly, May (Advance Generation series) and Dawn (Diamond and Pearl) share some similarities with Misty especially when they first met Ash. (Ash accidentally destroyed their Bicycles). 

Apart from her weird hairstyle, Iris is notable as one of Ash's recent companions along with Cilan.Iris was born and raised in the Village of Dragons and would spend her time as a little girl playing with the wild Pokémon that lived in the forest just outside the village. Iris is said to be a wild girl who likes to swing on vines and eat berries. Her Pokémon friend Axew travels with her in her hair instead of inside a Poké Ball. She seems to be very hyper in occasions such as climbing up trees very quickly. Iris is very adventurous and bold. Iris is an experienced Trainer and has been in many battles in the past. She has been portrayed as a sort of prodigy in the Village of Dragons too.  

Tracey is a Pokémon watcher who came from Orange Islands. Tracey first appeared in The Lost Lapras when he came upon Ash getting ready to battle three other Trainers. He was impressed by the condition of Ash's Pikachu and decided to take notes. He got to know Ash and Misty better after he helped them save an injured Lapras. After hearing that Ash and Misty knew Professor Oak, his hero, Tracey decided to invite himself to the group.In general, Tracey is a gentle person, and has a hard time saying no to anyone, especially to girls. Tracey is a lot like Brock in many aspects. Like Brock, Tracey does have a very broad knowledge about Pokémon. This has helped him and his friends in their journey many times along the way. Also, similarly to Brock, he seems to have a soft spot for pretty girls, but to a much less extreme degree.  

Brock is a Pokémon Breeder and a former Gym Leader who is a close friend and traveling companion of Ash's. He is an experienced cook and caretaker by nature, so he always makes scrumptious food both for Pokémon and for humans. One of his best known character traits is that he falls in love with every pretty woman he meets, particularly Officer Jenny and Nurse Joy. He can tell whether they are real (women) or impostors as well. This "ability" has been used multiple times in the series. He has always held a supporting role in the series, usually contributing more in terms of wisdom and comedic antics than the action and battles of the series. Brock is considered the most mature, wise and level-headed of the main characters, and he is arguably the most intelligent character as well. He often acts as an older brother and caretaker to the other characters and a voice of reason in disputes. He will usually place others before him and will help and support his friends even against his better judgment or at his own expense.
The list above is done subjectively.
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