
Wednesday, February 27, 2008



here i am again in my interview-formated portion in my blog

you might want to recap these previous interviews

Interesting blog of the month (December 2007)

Interesting blog of the month (January 2008)

now lets go meet the


Are you looking for a romantic blog? well My love hub is the answer.

It is a blog authored by dann



Photobucket tell us whats your blog all about...

Photobucket My blog is about my life, my thoughts, building up relationships and having fun. It focuses mainly on relationships, but as we know that life without fun is meaningless, so I combined the fun and relationship part to make this blog come into life.

Photobucket you had an informative blog which is done in a narrative way...are you following a certain format?

Photobucket Well, first of all I wanted short and easy to remember blog id and another thing is that I wanted my blog id to speak for itself "I'm the blog about love". I played with different pattern at first and finally came up with this one.

Photobucket how do you start blogging or how this blog concept starts anyway?

Photobucket This whole blogging concept started in NOvember 2007 when my best friend, Pawan visited my home and saw me sharing my views/opinion on love topic on forums. He then suggested me to start blogging and share my views out there. This is how my blogging journey started and I'm so thankful to Pawan for giving me this awesome idea.

Photobucket all of your post are truly impressive is there any of your post you considerd you most favorite?

Photobucket I like all posts because they symbolizes the part of me. But if I really have to say one particular posts then I would say, the prank post "My Brain Test". In that post, I told my friends and readers to search a girl on water. I received lot of answers and it's fun reading different views ;). My plan was to take this curiousity level to max and then reveal the answer.. The prank was successful and everybody's laughing when they heard the answer. That was my first mass scale prank and it's totally awesome.

Photobucket are you prior to gain community member if yes, what principle you are prefer to use "join my community and i will joib yours" or "join a community if and only you found it interesting"?

Photobucket The purpose of my blogging is to share my views/opinions, not to do community members dealing. I join to communities that I like and I haven't ever said to any members, "please join my community and I join yours". It doesn't matter if my community is empty. The only thing that I want is my friends and readers feedback whether they are enjoying the visit to my blog or not and how can I make it more better..

Photobucket :you are one of the blog authors here in the blogosphere to be called love guru,any last words for our readers about february's month of heart ?

Photobucket First of all thanx for this awesome interview. I'm honoured to be the part of this IBOTM. As for the title love guru, I appreciate it ;). Well, Not only for february, but for all time, my last word will be : "Express your love and appreciate your loved ones." ====================================== TAKE CARE AND HAVE A GREAT TIME ;)

Photobucket thank you so much dann for answering all the questions well.

Your My love hub is certified Photobucket

You can join dann's My love hub here

thanks dann for being so kind and as a matter of appreciation please do take this award from the bottom of my heart...

my award for IBOTM

continue you romantic thoughts and keep on inspiring many readers

so long my fellow readers and watch out for the INTERESTING BLOG OF THE MONTH (MARCH 2008)

im going to have three interviewee next from the first batch of "interesting blog from the second batch and another one from the last batch

have a great day to all

this isPhotobucketbluedreamer and this isPhotobucketdann