
Friday, July 30, 2010

It is Made in America

This is a Sponsored Post written by me on behalf of Ramblers Way. All opinions are 100% mine.

If you see a product made in America, what is the first thing that comes to your mind? I’m really not looking into a product’s brand name or where the product is being made. I can stick to anything as long as I feel comfortable using them and that really matters to me. But sometimes I also realized that brand names play a very important role in choosing an item especially when it comes to garments or clothes. The most important thing to consider before buying such item is the quality of it. It is important to check what are the materials that are being used for this product because there are some people who have sensitive skin and wearing such clothes will just give them skin irritation or any other related skin problems. That is it is very wise to buy a branded clothes which are quite expensive yet long lasting than buying a cheap clothes that are poor of quality.
I have watched TV programs like “The Fashion Show” and “America’s The Next Top Model” which are both known for showcasing American Style and fashion. That is why every time I heard clothes Made in America, I know already that it is very stylish and made out of high quality materials. However, there are some clothing lines company that are producing imitations and products that are made from synthetic materials. Clothes that are using synthetic fibers are very deceiving and sometimes it is hard for an individual to guess whether the product is artificially made or not. One of the product materials that are being imitated are the Wools. Wools are taken from animals like sheep and have been used for blankets, carpets and sweaters. Since Wools are very limited in supply, most companies make use of synthetic materials to imitate it. Wools are quite heavy to wear, they are so hot and sometimes itchy that is why most people preferred to use synthetic fibers which are lighter in weight and very comfortable to wear.
Since synthetic wools are becoming more and more popular, a lot of farms and factories from small towns in America suffered from a great lost. I guess this is the main reason why Tom and Kate Chappell developed a new technology that will bring the wool industry back. Tom and Kate are the co founders of “Ramblers Way Farm”, a company from Kennebunk, Maine that is well known for producing lightweight wools. With the use of their newly develop technology, they can now make heavy wools into a soft, lightweight and next to skin clothes and apparel. It only shows that wools are not just for making sweaters but also for making a very stylish men and women apparels. They even have underwear’s made out of wools. See how amazing technology can make with this wool?

In addition to that, Ramblers Way Farm is also helping distressed small towns in America as they have brought manufacturing facilities to those towns and are helping to revitalize the communities. If you want to know more about Ramblers Way Farm, you can just visit them at their site at and see what more they have to offer. Have a great day everyone!

(products made from wools)

Visit my sponsor: Made in America

Thursday, July 29, 2010


It's "Interesting Blog Of the Month" time again! Today, i am very excited because another blogger will share her very inspiring stories and information about her very friendly blog.

Interacting with bloggers is so fun and very enjoying. This inspires me to have this Interview formatted portion in my blog. To all my fellow bloggers, let me introduce you our

What is"Your Caring Angels" all about?

Your Caring Angels is all about Angels. Every Sunday I have a new
messages from the Angels. I have many inspirational stories about Angels
from people of all walks of life. There are many pages of affirmations to
help you through your life. It is a very inspirational site full of joy
and love for all.

When and how you started blogging?

I started blogging in November of 2007. My little brother Wolfbernz
talked me into starting my own blog and that is how I started.

You've been sharing a lot of inspiring stories about angels in your
blog, what is your most favorite of them all and why?

Grandma's Hands is my favorite story because when one looks at their hands
they do tell a story about the life they have had. I love the part at the
end where she talks about when she goes to heaven and how she is going to
touch Gods face with her hands.

I know that you have experiences with angels but it is so sad that a
lot of people nowadays are not paying attention about this and that fact
that there are real angels guiding us everyday. What can you advise about

All I can do is to tell them that when they are born they are given two
Angels to help them throughout their lives. They are a gift from God
because he loves us so much. It is easy to talk to your Angels all you
have to do is call on them, then be quiet and listen. They are here to
help us and love us. If you need more Angels for love and support just
ask. There are more Angels than stars in the sky. They are waiting to
hear from you.

You are one of the friendliest blogger i have ever met and i just wanna
ask, how do you motivate yourself and balance your time?

I love people and enjoy learning about their life and where they came
from. Finding out about their country and how they live is so interesting
to me. I enjoy life so much, it is a just a wonderful adventure, so it is
easy to motivate myself and keep blogging. Balancing my time well, I am
not always that good at it sometimes I get carried away with my site and
spend a whole day on it and other times I get busy with something else. I
guess the thing that helps me keep things in balance is my family. The do
demand some time from me on a regular basis.

Thanks for your time Angelbaby, can you share us some precious tips you can share to newbies and fellow bloggers on blogging?

The best tip I think I can give the newbie’s is don’t give up. When
someone leaves a comment on your site go to their site and leave a
comment. Make sure the comment is relevant to the post, this will help
you develop new friends and increase your traffic. Go surfing on the web
for new sites and leave a comment so they know you stopped by. This will
also increase your traffic and comments on your site.

What Are the Things we have to expect from "Your Caring Angels" these
coming months?

I am going to be doing pretty much the same things because I enjoy it so
much. I really don’t have a lot of control over my site, the Angels are
the boss. If they like what I do it is easy to put it together but if
they don’t like it forget it, they make sure it does not go on the site.
So needless to say it will be pretty much the same with lots of stories
about Angels, great affirmations and wonderful messages from the Angels,
just lots of inspirational information for everyone to enjoy.
Love and Blessings,

Thank you so much Angelbaby for allowing me to feature your blog. Please do take this "Excellent Site Award" as a matter of appreciation.

Follow Angelbaby at Your Caring Angels

By the way don't forget to visit me at Our Little Corners as i feature my first project for this month...
Check out what are we gonna do with this recycled materials Here

Wednesday, July 21, 2010


You've been following this competition for almost 2 months, vote for your bets week after week. I can say now that this season is the most successful Blog Idol I've ever had. Even though we had in some trouble at the beginning, we were able to fix it and make the competition much stronger.
I would like to grab this opportunity to thank all the voters(bloggers, twitter and facebook users), for spending your time and vote for your Idol. This competition will not be possible without your support.
Thank you as well for our generous sponsors who gave their trust for this competition.
And of course thank you my Blog Idol participants for making this contest alive.

Please do watch this Video as a tribute.
with one of my favorite songs
"Thank You For the Music" by Abba

And now it is about time to crown our next Blog Idol Winner.
Who will win 35$

I am pretty amazed with these 2 remaining blogger and the effort that they have shared to promote their songs.
and after the 10 days of competing..
the blogger who got the most number of votes ........
drum roll......
drum roll......

is Faisal Admar !

with a total of 129 valid votes!

Bananaz got 105 valid votes.
of course let's give Bananaz a round of applause for making it this far. He did a great job.

Congratulations Faisal Admar !

Please take this Blog Idol Winner badge
You will received the Prize this week after i inform the sponsors

By the way here are the Top 11 Idols and their Prizes
Top 1 Faisal - 35 $
Top 2 Bananaz - 15 $
Top 3 Mariuca - 10 $
Top 4 Bill - Capiz Box and Key Chain
Top 5 - Marites -Capiz Box and Key Chain
Top 6 - Nisha- Capiz Box and Key Chain
Top 7 - Ishmael- Capiz Box
Top 8- Fjordan- Capiz Box
Top 9 Stevehan -Capiz Box
Top 10 Fiel Kun -Capiz Box
Top 11 Sendo - Capiz Box

Some of You haven't sent me your Home address... Will contact you again.

Thank You again for your support. Til next year for another exciting Blog Idol Event!

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Series OF Unfortunate Events

Oh why oh why! I don't know if i should be thankful to this Typhoon Basyang or not. Thankful because this typhoon is the reason why classes are suspended and why quizzes are postponed too. I thought it would be a perfect time to start my blog hopping routine again but unfortunately this Typhoon Basyang is too strong causing the lost of power supply for almost a day! That's just great!
The power has been restored yesterday morning. My time is very limited today especially now that my mom is restricting us not to overuse the PC. We have desktop in the living room and that is the one PC in our house so i can't manage to escape from my mom. I am saving my income from my blog so that i can buy my own notebook or laptop.. Errr so that no one can stop me from blogging.
The Internet Connection was down for 3 days.
I think i should make a movie entitled "The Series of Unforntunate Events"
Yesterday, while i am sending "Thank You" message to all Facebook voters for blog idol, Facebook banned me from sending message because according to them i am misusing the system for sending messages to so many people.
I am really upset because i failed to visit your blogs lately. I'm so sorry guys.
I promise to visit your blogs soon.
I also failed to update my other blogs especially Song To remember and Our Little Corners who supposed to be celebrating their blogoversaries.
The only good thing from being away from blogging is that i was able to watch a lot of movies including Toy Story 3 and Shrek 4.

We only have 3 days left before we reveal our Blog IDol winner. By the way, if your name is not included in my voters list, it means you submitted a wrong link or you vote using different account (in this case only one vote will be counted *for example- You vote using your Blogger account then you also vote using your FB or Twitter, only one of them will be counted). Votes from anonymous will not be counted , as well as voters who didn't provide link.

Happy blogging Everyone and i will be back so soon.

Monday, July 12, 2010


Waaah sorry for my late post...
Finally, we are on the most awaited Finale of our third Season.
But of course, before we proceed with their songs... Here are some changes with our voting system.
Since we only have 2 Idols left, We will have a "one is to one voting system"
Each voter should vote only for a Song.

To make this post shorter here are the two remaining Idols who will present their Most Favorite Song of all time.

In alphabetical Order.

Bananaz picked a very inspiring song from John Farnham. It's an anti-war song in a way, but it was more of a 'make your voice heard' kind of thing. Wake up to your own power. The song was one of the biggest hits of the year in Australia, topping the singles chart there for many weeks. It is also one of Farnham's biggest international successes, reaching the top 10 in many European countries, although in the US it performed relatively poorly. David Archuleta performed this song during season 7 of American Idol.

Faisal Admar submitted a record breaking song from Jason Mraz. It was performed in his 2006 gigs and already became a crowd favorite before its release. The song was nominated for Grammy Award for Song of the Year and Best Male Pop Vocal Performance at the 51st Grammy Awards. At 76 weeks on the Hot 100, it holds the record for most weeks spent on the chart, breaking the previous record set by LeAnn Rimes' song "How Do I Live" in 1998.

Again, this is a one is to one entry. Just vote for a song!
Do not vote or mention their names in your entry.
Previous Idols are now allowed to vote.
Thanks a lot and good luck!

ps: THE voting period will last until Wednesday, July 21, 2010
It is a 10 Days voting period.

Sunday, July 11, 2010


We had another tough week. We've been listening to their music for almost two months and now the 12 Idols are narrowed down to two remaining Idols.
Here's the result of our last round


Faisal Admar made it again to the top spot with a total of 34 votes. Faisal is a blogger from Malaysia and the owner of "Bite Me"blog.


Bananaz made it to the Second spot for this round with a total of 33 Votes. Bananaz is also a blogger from Malaysia and the author of "BananazPeople" blog

Faisal Admar and Bananaz
Will be competing for the Finale this Monday!

Mariuca has been one of the strongest contender on this competition and the last woman standing. Mariuca also became a top spotter for several rounds.
Thank you so much
Mariuca for being so sport and very supportive for this competition.
Lets give her a round of applause for making it this far!

BY the way sorry if i am so inactive lately, i am really busy with my school especially now that i am a graduating student. But i will be back and willhop to your blogs again very very soon...

Monday, July 5, 2010

The 8th Photo Tag

Finally, i got a perfect time to post this entry. I was tagged by 2 fellow blogger buddies Tekkaus and Foongpc
"8th Photo In The 8th Folder Tag"
I have so many photo folders in my pc so i'll pick one and here's what i got!I told you, i am a cowboy and i eat everything even this"Chicken feet" We have a lot of them here in Philippines being sold in by street vendors here.
Wanna try?

If you wanna do this tag
Here are the rules ....

1. Go to your photo files, select the 8th photo folder

2. Select the 8th photo in that folder

3. Post that photo along with the story behind it

4. Then challenge 8 blogging friends to do the same!

I will not tag any blogger today because i think they're all done with this hahaha

Today's featured Song in my Song To Remember, is a song from one of my most favorite duos of all time, THE CARPENTERS Check it HERE

Sunday, July 4, 2010


The Semi-finals is on with our Three Remaining Idols; Bananaz, Mariuca and Faisal Admar.
And today, we will be hitting Classics!
Classics are the songs that are being immortalized through the years.

To start the Semi-finals, here's Bananaz

with his Classic entry from the the duo of Simon & Garfunkel.

The next idol to present her Classic entry is Mariuca

with a song performed and written by John Lennon dedicated for his wife Yoko.

And last but not the least is Faisal Admar.

who picked a classic entry from Elaine Page and the song used in one of the most popular Broadway musical ~ Cats

Again, you can now vote for your TOP 2 SONGS... the first 2 who got the highest votes for this round will be advancing into the Finale next week.
Good luck guys

here's the Summary of songs to guide you
1.Sound of Silence by Simon and Garfunkel
2. Woman by John Lennon
3. Memory by Elaine Page

Meanwhile, here's another classic song and one of my most favorite of all time. It is a very inspirational song from Diana Ross and an official theme song for the films; Land before the Time and Peter Pan. Have A clue? Check it here

Saturday, July 3, 2010

The Final 3 Revealed

We had another exciting Blog Idol week but sad to say we have to eliminate one more blogger to go to the next round.
I'm telling you guys.. it is really a tough fight between these four bloggers... The scores areso close to each other.
Now, here are the Top 3 Remaining Idol who will be advancing in the next round

Our Top 1 for this week

Faisal Admar = 29 votes

Top 2

Mariuca= 28 votes

Top 3

Bananaz = 18 votes

Our dearest Bill failed to make it to the next round but we should give him a round of applause for making it this far.

He is such a great sport and submitted great song entries. Cheers!

Next Week will be much tougher because we only have 3 remaining idols.
We only have 2 more rounds before we crown the next Blog Idol!


As a continuation of my Song To Remember's 2nd Year Anniversary, I am so happy to preset you my Choice number 3. It is a very inspirational song from Bette Midler. Have a clue? Check if you are right Here

Friday, July 2, 2010

Versatile Blogger

Got this tag from Caroline
  1. One of my greatest fears are the "flying cockroaches!!!!"
  2. I've been working since i am 16 while studying. I've been in different fields like a Counter Cashier, Call Center Agent, Office Staff, Tutor and more!!!
  3. I never go outside wearing a t-shirt.... I don't know why but i prefer going out wearing either polo or anything with collar or hoods.
  4. I always wear eyeglasses but not because i have a poor eyesight. I just feel comfortable wearing them.
  5. I am a cowboy! i can eat anything and not so choosy when it comes to foods... but i never drink Tea....(except if it is iced tea)
  6. I got a tendon injury way back 2006 where i nearly cut my index finger... I accidentally drop a soft drink bottle and tried to catch it but i failed and the glasses broke into pieces. I got tendon injury making my index finger paralyzed for almost half a year! Thanks God i can move it freely now!
  7. I am a certified Nightowl! I got to bed in the morning between 2 am - 3am... then woke up around 6am or 6:30...errr nt enough sleep..
Today's featured song in my Song To Remember, One of my most favorite song from Barry Manilow. David Cassidy also has a version of his song

Thursday, July 1, 2010

The First Look at Blog Idol T Shirt and Capiz Boxes

I got all the prizes already and they are about to be shipped after the blog idol contest.
Here's the first look at our Blog Idol Commenter T-shirt.
The Tee was printed with the help of our friends on "Transfer it"
First, i submitted my design and let them edit it for me and print them in a specialize Paper...errr i don't know what the term is...

Cutting the Designs
Using this machine, they will now be transferring the design on the Tee.

Tadah! the finished Product!

And with our First Winner's website printed at the back!
Also, i got all the Capiz Boxes last week. I'm telling you guys, Jules made an awesome job for these wonderful Capiz boxes! The size of Each box is bigger than what i am expecting.
It is 7cm x 7cm x 6cm in size.

I got some problem with the Key chain but i know i can fix it before the due date.

Thank you guys for making all this things possible.

by the way, the listing of my TOP 50 Favorite songs starts today. They are not arranged in order.
Our first song is a hit song from one of my favorite Soul Singer, Dionne Warwick.. errr. okay... as what i told you before.. i am an old school music lover.. so expect to hear a lot of oldies in my list haha..
do not forget to leave your comment there and let me hear your opinion (Song To Remember)