Welcome my fellow bloggers. Here's the newest portion in my blog.
SPOTLIGHT!! is a portion where a guest blogger will share his/her article for us. Its either her previous post(most likely one of their favorite post) or an article they've just created.
and for our First Blogger on the Spotlight
lets meet

Jenny was the blog author of Our Love Story
She always been an active commentator here and you might be familiar with her because she was one of the Blog Idol Contestant that was held here last year.
her blog was also featured as the Interesting Blog of the Month-November 2008
now here's her article
I love being a woman just the same as men love to be men. It is not about comparing women from men or knowing who is more superior between them. I guess, more then the physical qualities, it is the character that makes a woman distinct from men.
Currently, I am reading an inspirational book entitled Let Me Be A Woman by Elisabeth Elliot. I read “The fact that I am a woman doesn’t make me a different kind of Christian; but the fact that I am a Christian makes me a different kind of woman.” It leaves me a remarkable impression of how being a spirit-controlled woman can really make a difference. The book tells of how women cope with the changing times and how she copes well with endurance and faith. It tells of the essence of womanhood.
It is how our society looks on women. Over the years, women struggle to fight for their rights and status. It originated from the oldest times when women were treated less. Today, women are recognized and valued much better than before.
I always tell myself how blessed I am to be woman! I always believe that women are emotionally stronger than men (which I supposed be objected by Bien…hehehe). But it is scientifically true. Women being right brained (most of the times) and have more developed instincts and emotions than left-brained men, who are more consistent and logical. But again, it is not about comparing the two genders, rather high lighting women’s traits and characters that are distinct from any other forms of God’s being. One distinction of a woman is “the willingness to enter into suffering, to receive, to carry, to give life, to nurture and to care for others.”
I remember Bien giving a lecture on women during our Song of Mary concert in our chapel. It was also the time when we first met (giggles!). I was there listening as he points out on how women should be treated – with deep respect and understanding. (But sometimes, Bien would tell me that I am being too feminist, when in fact am just being a woman!)
Understanding "Us"

Understanding women is the same as understanding men, only that it requires more sensitivity and fragility. While men are consistent most of the times, women are unpredictable. The ability to cope up in different situations, in different manners, at different given times is one of woman’s best talents. Bien would always tell me how my moods shift too fast that he couldn’t catch up with I am up to. Imagine, he notices how my mood shifts without me noticing it. For women, it is possible and it is normal for as far as her hormone is concerned. Understanding women requires a great deal of perseverance that is in turn rewarded with a woman’s sincere love and affection.
The unpredictable she is what makes her a strong character of our today’s society. She can be a mother, a father, a sister, a friend, and even a worst enemy. She can love and get hurt over and over again and at the end, ends up still loving with the same amount of compassion. The unpredictable she can face trials and life’s situation with courage and boldness and face them with a heart that loves and cares.
What a woman deserves? She deserves to be treated with respect and authentic love. A woman may demand attention and time as much as she demands for enough space to move and grow or just be her self. A woman may act as “jack of all traits” but demands to be loved and treated as she (she deserves it!).
Man Alone

Does one can live without the other? I believe not, the mere fact that women are created by God for a purpose. Women, either career-oriented or plain house wives, are called for a purpose… and that is to serve. Women are called to serve God above all, her parents, husband, and children. Women are called to serve the society in her utmost abilities and capacity. Women are called to serve in order men would carry out their roles and functions even much better and more effectively… it’s a symbiotic relationship, a relationship that exists for all forms of life. One doesn’t exist alone. It takes parts in order to be whole.
***be a part of the SPOTLIGHT, share your articles just give me a shout!***