It's "Interesting Blog Of the Month" time! After a year of hiatus, i am so happy to bring this portion back. Interacting with bloggers is so fun and enjoying. This inspires me to have this Interview formatted portion in my blog. To all my fellow bloggers, let me introduce you our
What is Your Blog All About?
My blog is my personal thoughts on about almost anything under the sun ranging from travels, food, music and movies to self help guides, health, fitness and even weird topics like ghosts, paranormal, feng shui, and even psychology!
Please share us when and how you started to blog foong.
I started blogging back in March 2008 after I was inspired by the many political blogs in my country Malaysia. (yes a lot of politicians here write blogs!). But after starting a few posts, I was kind of busy and put off blogging for a while but luckily I resumed 2 months later in May 2008. Since then, there was no looking back!
You've been posting a lot of travel adventures in your blog, among all those places and adventures, what is the most memorable for you and why?
I have never dreamed that one day I would be blogging about my travel adventures! In a way, blogging made me want to travel more because I have so much fun sharing my travel adventures with my readers! I would say my recent trip to Guilin, China is my most memorable because the place was just so beautiful and breathtaking and even though I did not know how to swim, I went for water rafting and all sorts of water activities! Also, I got lost in the forest and that was a pretty scary experience for me.
In addition to my third question, what would be the place that you're always dreaming to visit someday?
Oh, there are just too many! Shall I name a few? They would be Hong Kong, Macau, Philippines, Australia, New Zealand, Maldives, and USA!
I've been an avid fan of your blog and love reading your entries, among all these post, what is your most favorite and why?
Wow! Thanks for being a fan of my blog – I’m really grateful to all my readers and really appreciate their comments! It’s tough to choose which is my most favourite post because I love writing them all! I guess my favourites also evolve with the times. Initially, I sort of like my inspiring posts, then I like to blog about my idol, Mariah Carey and later, I was really into health and feng shui! In between that, I enjoyed my ghosts stories, which by the way are mostly true ghost stories and not fictional. Recently, I was bitten by the Random Notes bug where I blog about bits and pieces of my thoughts randomly in one single post. That was fun!
What are the things we don't know about you (hobby, mannerism or any related things you can share)
Aha! Trying to dig into my private life? Haha! As you know, I don’t like to be too public – meaning I don’t like people to recognize me in the street like a celebrity blogger or something. That’s why you don’t see my face on my blog. Just a panda face that’s all! LOL! Anyway, I have this habit of writing a “To Do” list every morning. I just like my day to be structured, that’s the way I am. Also, I’m pretty obsessed with text messaging. Yes, I love sending out sms to friends and replying them. It’s kind of get my adrenaline going! And I still do it despite the mounting handphone bills! At home, I’m know
What are the things we should expect from "My Very first Blog" these upcoming months?
Hmmm… more travel stories? I have yet to complete my China travel posts from last year! And I will be going Bali soon! After that will be Cambodia, so yes, expect lots of travel stories from me! Also, expect more “real” ghosts and horror stories from me, cos I have lots of them! I am also trying to share my piano playing featuring my own compositions in the upcoming months probably on YouTube? I really cannot say I will do that for sure, but please don’t expect to see my face on YouTube! Haha!
Any precious tips you can share to newbies and fellow bloggers on blogging?
To all fellow bloggers and newbies, do enjoy your blogging. Write with passion and be open to criticisms and differences of opinions from your readers. To the newbies, take it one step at a time. Learn how to write interesting posts, how to attract readers and how to network with fellow bloggers. Above all, enjoy your blogging and do not get stressed up over bad comments, lack of readers and poor income from blogging. When you blog with passion and enjoy what you do, the rest will come naturally!Thank you so much FoongPc for allowing me to feature your blog. Please do take this "Excellent Site Award" as a matter of appreciation.

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My Very First BlogWatch out for my next month IBOTM Awardee.
Once again, this is Bluedreamer and
FoongPc, Breaking the Boundaries!