http://It's time to present you my
Thank you so much guys for your support!
Let me also have a short recap about all the activities i had for this month.
I got 2 Top Five Entries: top 5 most notable mortal female movie serial killers and top 5 most popular anime with red hair. I also featured FoongPc As my INTERESTING BLOG OF THE MONTH - MARCH 2010.
I'm done updating my Blog Swap Corner! I also provide a space in my side bar for my "Blog Swap Bloggers Corner" where you can get recent updates from my Top Ten Commentators. I also have another portion in my sidebar entitled "Featured Bloggers of the Month" there will always be 4 bloggers to be featured each month ; The Top 1 Commentator, The Interesting Bloig Awardee of the previous Month, Top 1 Commentator of all time and Top 1 first Commenter. I will bring back the "First Commenter System" again. I also add "Question of the Week" space in my sidebar taken from my other blogs and also the Picture of the Day portion (also in my sidebar).
Meanwhile, in my other blogs, "Roald Dahl's Collection: Online Journey Book Review Specials" will end today so the "Song To Remember presents Name It". Catch more entries of Avengers in my Super Blog and more creeps in my World Of Creeps blog.
For Upcoming themes and events: Song To Remember will have an unusual back to back tandem of artist (will give you update soon). Online Journey will have a "Gadget Review Special" for the whole month of April. I will also give you an update on status and preparation for my upcoming Comics Blog.Of course, here in Top Five, watch out for my next IBOTM awardee and for my 4 new top five entries.

Have A great day Everyone! enjoy your Holy Week and don't forget to pay tribute to our Lord Jesus Christ this lenten Season

I'm done updating my Blog Swap Corner! I also provide a space in my side bar for my "Blog Swap Bloggers Corner" where you can get recent updates from my Top Ten Commentators. I also have another portion in my sidebar entitled "Featured Bloggers of the Month" there will always be 4 bloggers to be featured each month ; The Top 1 Commentator, The Interesting Bloig Awardee of the previous Month, Top 1 Commentator of all time and Top 1 first Commenter. I will bring back the "First Commenter System" again. I also add "Question of the Week" space in my sidebar taken from my other blogs and also the Picture of the Day portion (also in my sidebar).
Meanwhile, in my other blogs, "Roald Dahl's Collection: Online Journey Book Review Specials" will end today so the "Song To Remember presents Name It". Catch more entries of Avengers in my Super Blog and more creeps in my World Of Creeps blog.
For Upcoming themes and events: Song To Remember will have an unusual back to back tandem of artist (will give you update soon). Online Journey will have a "Gadget Review Special" for the whole month of April. I will also give you an update on status and preparation for my upcoming Comics Blog.Of course, here in Top Five, watch out for my next IBOTM awardee and for my 4 new top five entries.
Have A great day Everyone! enjoy your Holy Week and don't forget to pay tribute to our Lord Jesus Christ this lenten Season