The contest is entitled "Why Did Baby React"
As what the contest title suggest, the rules in this contest is very simple, you just need to guess what causes the baby to react like that (see the banner below)
Here's the Contest Rules
Here are the Why Did Baby React? Contest “Rules”
Contestants qualify only upon fulfilling these simple conditions:
1. The Contestant will compose and submit a slogan that does not exceed 20 words.
The slogan must complement what caused the baby to sport the look on his face as depicted in the photo image.
2. The Contestant must Email Subscribe to Lainy’s Musings. This may be done either:
2.1 at the pop up window “Please Subscribe With Google-Feedburner” which appears at the top when accessing the Blog. (see screen capture image below)
2.2 or it can also be done at the “Subscribe” widget located at the outermost sidebar. (see screen capture image below)
3. Exemption from Subscribing by Email
Contestants who have previously subscribed to Lainy’s Musings need not resubmit their email subscription.
4. Having completed Items 1 and 2, the Contestant must then submit at the Comment section of this Post:
4.1 the slogan and
4.2 the email address that was used when subscribing by Email to Lainy’s Musings.
Contestants who had previously Subscribed by Email to Lainy’s Musings must also state their email address..
5. The Contest Results
The Judges decision will be announced on May 2, 2010 (+8 hours) GMT.
As with all Contest results, the Judges decision is final and no representation will be entertained after publication of the Winners.
6. The Prizes
Winner: 30.00 USD (Thirty U.S Dollars) + 10K Entrecard Credits.
(sponsored by Lainy’s Musings)
Runner-up: 15.00 USD (Fifteen U.S Dollars) + 5K Entrecard Credits.
(sponsored by Our Journey To Forever)
Second Runner-up: 5.00 USD (Five U.S Dollars) + 3K Entrecard Credits.
(sponsored by KUERDAS)
(Disbursement of CASH prizes will be made only through PayPal service.)
7. The photo image for the Contest
Why Did Baby React? Lainy’s Musings’ 2nd. Blogoversary Contest.
To assist Contestants on what is to be conjectured as a SLOGAN for the photograph above, here is an example.
The Contestant’s slogan could be anything that you’d imagine as appropriate, be it funny or serious, but it should complement the cause for baby’s facial expression.