Wednesday, March 30, 2011

"K" is for "Kwek Kwek"

This is my first time to join the ABC Wednesday.
For this Week, "K" is their theme and here's my contribution. "K" is for "Kwek Kwek". Sounds funny right? Kwek Kwek is actually a street food made out from quail eggs and some orange batter. It is best eaten with lots of vinegar or sweet gravy. It is also called "Tukneneng". There is also a bigger version of this which is made from Chicken Eggs.


Blog Title Wishing on a Falling Star

Blog Author Mariuca

Blog Category Personal

What Is Your Blog All About? My blog revolves around my activities and life as a freelance copywriter who works from home and everything else that happens in between! :)

When And How did you start Blogging? Aha! I just wrote a post on this at my blog, you can read it here! Remembering Tokyo

Blogs I Like (Characteristics)
1. Well-written 2. Intriguing 3. Not overcrowded with ads 4. Nice template and blog header 5. Friendly 6. Not too depressing with daily posts of complaints.

Blogs I Dislike (Characteristics) 1. Political Blogs 2. Boring blogs with no effort to entice readers to stay a while and hey.. come back again another day! 3. Blogs with pop-ups is a no-no! 4. I despise Blog stalkers! :(

What Motivates you to Blog? My life, my love and family, my cats, my work, my travel stories and whatever that catches my attention! :)

Who Are your Target Readers?
Educated professionals, writers, students, housewives, those working from home and of course my own friends and family.

What is Your Most Favorite post and Why?
Ahhhhh my favourite post... I have a few posts that I am proud of but I am particularly fond of Love in Disarray. Why? Because it was the first post singled out to be featured on another site! :)

Things We Should Expect from your Blog these succeeding months
I have been suffering from 'blogger's block' as of late but knowing me and my passion to blog, you can bet there will be more interesting stories headed your way!

Tips For Our Readers About Blogging

1. NEVER start a blog with the sole intention of making money asap.. that's really not how it works. If you start a blog with this intention in mind, your blog will not have its own voice; your posts will then be motivated by money. The real you and your voice will not be visible and when your blog doesn't have your own personal voice or direction, that's when the readers become disinterested. Just saying!

Thank you so much Mariuca
for allowing me to feature your very interesting blog. Please do take this "Excellent Site Award" as a matter of appreciation.

Follow Mariuca at Wishing on a Falling Star
Watch out for my next month IBOTM Awardee.
Once again, this is Bluedreamer and Mariuca
, Breaking the Boundaries!

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Monday, March 28, 2011

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Kennen Sie eigentlich schon die Seite Nein? Sowas dachte ich mir schon. Nun, falls Sie sich für Spielautomaten im Internet interessieren haben Sie da aber definitiv was verpasst. Ich würde vorschlagen Sie folgen mir mal für einen Exkurs auf dieser Seite. Klicken Sie doch einfach mal auf den obigen Link. Oh, Sie möchten vorher noch ein paar detailliertere Informationen zum Inhalt? Auch kein Problem. Bleiben Sie hier bei mir und lesen die folgenden Zeilen.

Wie Sie sich wahrscheinlich schon denken konnten finden Sie auf alles zum Thema Automatenspiele, genauer zum Spielen von Spielautomaten (oder Slots) im Internet. Zuallererst findet man dort eine schön aufgemachte Liste, in der die fünf besten Casinos zum Spielautomaten spielen aufgezählt und bewertet werden. Alle dort zu findenden Seiten haben zum Beispiel eine offizielle EU Lizenz, sind also in punkto Sicherheit und Vertrauenswürdigkeit zu empfehlen. Zudem haben alle Online Casinos sehr hohe Auszahlungsraten, was für Spieler die um echtes Geld spielen natürlich ein sehr interessanter Faktor ist. Das beste Casino der Liste, das Europa Casino hat eine sagenhafte Auszahlungsquote von 98,54 Prozent. Doch selbst das Eurogrand Casino, welches auf Platz fünf zu finden ist, hat immer noch eine Rate von 94,79%. Die Auszahlungsrate gibt übrigens an wie viel des eingesetzten Geldes aller Spieler wieder an diese ausgeschüttet wird.

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Sunday, March 27, 2011

MM: Thia Megia ~ Out Here On My Own

This Season is better than the previous ones. It is packed with so many talented contenders and is very unpredictable. Who would have thought that Naima Adedapo's "Dancing in the street" (not to mention her silly dancing moves) will make her an instant favorite last performance night. Casey Abrams is an early favorite but no one predicted that he will be in the bottom 3 last elimination night.
I just hate the drama going on in the Idol Stage as if the producers are making this for ratings. I just hate the saving part too. Don't you think it is kinda unfair for the remaining Top 10 who did their best to encourage the audience to vote for them? Don't you think it's kinda unfair for the voters too? This is American Idol not Judges' Idol.
One more thing! I want Simon back! Randy, Jennifer and Steven have their own favorites which is unfair for other contestants. If Simon is in there, he will not tolerate this favoritism.
Okay... now i'm the one making the drama here.

Thia is one of my bet here though i can't see her as the winner but i wish she could stay there for awhile. I like her not because she's a Filipina but because of having this unique and distinct voice. I have to admit, i didn't like her last performance (Heat Wave) as she sounded like Miley Cyrus (and that's not a good thing haha). So here's my MM entry for this week. I just love her "Out Here on My Own" version.

This week, they will be hitting Elton John songs... So it is time for Thia to shine since her expertise are into ballads. I wonder what Elton John Songs will suit her Voice... "Can You Feel The Love Tonight" is a big no no for her or else she will be dubbed already as a Disney Girl after performing "Colors of Wind" from the Disney Film Pocahontas. Maybe she can sing "Don't Let the Sun Go Down On Me" though this song was performed by so many former idols already including David Archuleta from season 8 and Clay Aiken of Season 2 and oh our very own Jasmine Trias did her own version too. I would love to her playing her guitar.

Come join Music Monday and share your songs with us. Rules are simple. Leave ONLY the ACTUAL LINK POST here and grab the code below and place it at your blog entry. You can grab this code at LadyJava's Lounge Please note these links are STRICTLY for Music Monday participants only. All others will be deleted without prejudice.
(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

PS: Because of spamming purposes, the linky will be closed on Thursday of each week at midnight, Malaysian Time. Thank you!

Sunday, March 20, 2011


I was watching "The Chaperone" awhile ago which gives me an idea to come up with this Top Five entry. What do you think about Wrestlers turned Actors?? Wrestlers are actors already right?


Paul Michael Levesque or better known as Triple H is the Senior Advisor to WWE Chairman Vince McMahon, and wrestles on the Raw brand. Overall, Levesque has won 23 championships in WWE, including thirteen World Championships, having won the WWF/E Championship a record eight times, and the World Heavyweight Championship five times (Triple H is also recognized as the first World Heavyweight Champion under WWE's lineage). In addition to a few TV cameos, Triple H's most notable acting career is when he played the role of Jarko Grimwood in the film Blade: Trinity. And also the latest one, The Chaperone where we played the role of Ray Bradstone.


Hogan had mainstream popularity in the mid 1980s through the early 1990s as the all-American character Hulk Hogan in the World Wrestling Federation. Hogan was later inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame in 2005. He is a 12-time world heavyweight champion being a six-time WWF/E Champion and a six-time WCW World Heavyweight Champion, as well as a former WWE World Tag Team Champion with Edge. He was also the winner of the Royal Rumble in 1990 and 1991 and the first to win two Royal Rumbles in a row. Throughout his movie career, Hulk has never seemed overly concerned with quality. His first role was as Thunderlips ('the ultimate male') in Rocky III, and he played a thinly-veiled version of himself in No Holds Barred. He did a line in family-friendly entertainment, with Suburban Commando, Mr. Nanny, Thunder in Paradise, Santa with Muscles and 3 Ninjas: High Noon at Mega Mountain. The Hulkster also appeared as himself in Gremlins 2 and Muppets from Space, and reality show oddity Hogan Knows Best, which perfectly showcases the ridiculousness of the life of a pro-wrester. He also lend his voice in the animated film Gnemeo and Juliet as Terrafirminator V.O. (just a short roll though)


In WWE, Cena has won sixteen championships in total, including nine World Titles (having won the WWE Championship seven times and the World Heavyweight Championship twice). In addition, Cena has also won the WWE United States Championship three times,[8] and is a four-time Tag Team Champion, having held the World Tag Team Championship twice (once with Shawn Michaels, once with Batista), and the WWE Tag Team Championship twice (once with David Otunga and once with The Miz). Cena also won the 2008 Royal Rumble match, and is a two-time Superstar of the Year Slammy Award winner (2009 and 2010). Outside of wrestling, Cena has released the rap album You Can't See Me, which debuted at #15 on the US Billboard 200 chart, and starred in the feature films The Marine (2006), 12 Rounds (2009), and Legendary (2010). Cena has also made appearances on television shows including Manhunt, Deal or No Deal, MADtv, Saturday Night Live, Punk'd, and Psych. Cena was also a contestant on Fast Cars and Superstars: The Gillette Young Guns Celebrity Race, where he made it to the final round before being eliminated, placing third in the overall competition.

Better known by his ring name "Stone Cold". Billed as "The Most Popular Superstar in WWE History", the organization has also named Austin as the greatest talker in the history of professional wrestling.He gained significant mainstream popularity in the WWF during the mid-to-late 1990s as "Stone Cold" Steve Austin, a disrespectful, beer-drinking antihero who routinely defied his boss, Vince McMahon. This defiance was often shown by Austin flipping off McMahon and incapacitating him with the Stone Cold Stunner, his finishing move.McMahon inducted Austin into the WWE Hall of Fame in 2009. Austin held nineteen championships throughout his professional wrestling career, and is recognized by WWE as a six-time world champion, having held the WWF Championship on six occasions, and the fifth Triple Crown Champion.Steve Austin filmed guest roles on Celebrity Deathmatch and Nash Bridges, where he played Detective Jake Cage. His motion picture debut was in a supporting role as Guard Dunham in the 2005 remake of The Longest Yard. Austin had his first starring film role, as Jack Conrad, a dangerous convict awaiting execution in a Salvadoran prison, who takes part in a illegal deathmatch game that is being broadcast to the public in the 2007 thriller The Condemned. In 2010, Austin appeared in the film The Expendables as Dan Paine, the bodyguard and right hand man for the primary antagonist of the film. This role featured Austin working alongside other action stars such as Sylvester Stallone, Jason Statham, Jet Li, and Randy Couture. It has been suggested by Bruce Willis that he will return for a sequel of The Expendables.


Johnson won a total of sixteen championships in WWF/E. This included nine World Heavyweight Championships (the WWF/E Championship seven times and the WCW/World Championship twice), two WWF Intercontinental Championships, and five times as co-holder of the WWF Tag Team Championships. He was the sixth WWF/E Triple Crown Champion, and the winner of the 2000 Royal Rumble.
Johnson's first leading role as an actor was in The Scorpion King in 2002. For this film, he received the highest salary for an actor in his first starring role, earning $5.5 million. He has since appeared in movies such as The Rundown, Be Cool, Walking Tall, Gridiron Gang, The Game Plan, Get Smart, Race to Witch Mountain, Planet 51, Tooth Fairy, Doom, Why Did I Get Married Too?, The Other Guys, and Faster.

More Than Blogging

What keep me busy lately are some sort of unusual things. I was actually so bored knowing that i am doing the same things and same routine almost everyday. I know i can do better things than being a full time blogger. I'm not saying I'm quitting, it's just that i need to find a way out from being so addicted into blogging. I have to explore new things and discover new ways to entertain myself. Want to know the things i did these past few weeks? Let me list them down.
Before I discovered the world of Blogging, drawing is actually my very first hobby. I used to spend my time creating my own comic series, characters and more. However, i am not sharing my works to others, only to my siblings and cousins. I can say that this is the only creative side of mine haha.

Currently, i am working out with this new story. I buzzed about this before but I failed to add some new chapters to it. I just can't give a word now but i'll try my best to finish the book so soon.

I love Gaming a lot. I used to keep myself busy in harvesting my crops, building my city, and finding some treasure items on my island (Caroline and Marzie, i'm sure you know what I'm talking about haha) . Aside from these Facebook games, i used to keep myself on track with the latest video game releases too. In fact, I am looking forward to the new Resident Evil Game this year where Jill Valentine and Chris Redfield will unite again for a mission to kill those virus-infected zombies and to destroy Umbrella Corporation Completely. Aside from these games, Casino gaming fascinates me a lot too. I started playing online casino early this year and i'm so having fun with it. Unlike other games, this will give you a chance to earn and win real money. You will be opposing with real online players too which makes the game more exciting. I was actually checking some US casino list awhile ago. I like playing Blackjack and online Roulette the most. They are very easy and doesn't require any skills or extensive knowledge about the game. Keep in mind that you will be dealing with real money here so you better not trust a website that easy or you will end up being scammed by them. Me, i used play game from my trusted RTG casino list. They also have this US no deposit casino list which is so recommedable for newbies like me.
Well, if you don't like to play it online than try to play it for real by visiting the nearest Casino in your area or have fun playing with your cousin. Just like what we did last week. We have this mini Mah Jong Set at home and Cousin Rein taught us how to play it.
Errr... i find the game so complicated and even the characters are quite confusing too. I think it takes a lot of practice to master this game.
That's all for now guys, have a great day and happy blogging to all!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Holes in th The Floor of Heaven

Woohoo not too late for my Music Monday Entry. This week, i'll be sharing a country song from Stevie Wariner. I love the message of this song. It is simply heartwarming. Do you believe that when someone who is very close to our heart passed away, he or she can see us from heaven? I do believed that my late grandma is always watching me from heaven and comfort me out whenever i feel down and so i always include her and thank her through my prayers. Hope you like the song as much as i do guys.

Come join Music Monday and share your songs with us. Rules are simple. Leave ONLY the ACTUAL LINK POST here and grab the code below and place it at your blog entry. You can grab this code at LadyJava's Lounge Please note these links are STRICTLY for Music Monday participants only. All others will be deleted without prejudice.
(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

PS: Because of spamming purposes, the linky will be closed on Thursday of each week at midnight, Malaysian Time. Thank you!
four leaf clover divider Pictures, Images and Photos
Also, if you have time, please leave a comment on my SmartBro Broadbandest entry here

All About Cuckoo Clock

Do you have any idea what pushes Antique enthusiasts to collect such vintage and expensive items? I was actually in an online forum last night when someone raised a topic about antique collections. He was actually asking where to buy vintage watches. He mentioned some brand names too. Don't you think it's weird? Will you ever spend your money in buying old items? Well we are talking about antiques here and we all know how expensive they are right?
What's the reason why these items are highly valued by others and why they are so passionate in buying and collecting them? Well they said that these items have what so called "Historic value" which are highly desired by the collectors. It almost served as a treasure that symbolizes an era,a previous period of time, a lost generation, or perhaps it's a period of history that we fondly recall. These items can make those history alive again.It is also said that when you buy antique furniture,products or items , each piece becomes part of your surroundings, your home and your life.
But of course, this kind of hobby is not for everyone especially for someone like me who can't afford to buy one. I would rather save my money than having such an expensive collection like this. Actually, these antiques reminds me of the old magazine that i found few weeks ago. Check on these vintage clocks.
Mantle Clocks
Wall clocks and Cuckoo Clock
Grandfather Clocks
Comparing their prices to those vintage clocks being promoted to some auction sites today have huge differences. According to that old magazine, you can purchase the clock for as low as $40. But of course the value of the money that time isn't that high compared today.
There are various types of clocks and they come up now with so many stylish designs. But of all the clocks, i guess nothing could be more stylish than the Cuckoo Clock. I remember when i was a kid, we had a cuckoo clock at home though it was just made out of plastic. When the hour struck, the bird will come out from it's nest and will produce that cuckoo sound which is truly magical and enchanting for me.
These Cuckoo clocks were present since 1629 so do not be surprise to see a lot of them in some antique shops. But actually, you do not have to spend big amount of money to buy those vintage items since cuckoo clocks are still being manufactured by some companies until today. SINIX Corp. is a well-known Wall clock manufacturer from Korea. They were established since 1998 and is now exporting high quality clocks all over the world including Europe,South America, Middle East and Southeast Asia. They are well known for producing high quality Grandfather Clocks, wall clocks, and cuckoo clocks.
It is true that modern clocks do not have historic value on it but most of them are still being manufactured and designed in the traditional style. Just like this one.
SINIX World Class Wall Clock
You can still see the traditional wooden case that is decorated with carved leaves and animals on it. The good thing about this clocks is that, aside from having the traditional style, they're also putting modern touch on it which makes it more elegant.
Aside from the Cuckoo bird, some of the designs may come up with dancing dolls and villagers too. This one below is my personal favorite.
SINIX World Class Wall Clock
If you're interested, you can check the official webpage of SINIX at and see what else the site has to offer. There are more than 300 varieties of World Class Wall Clock s that are being manufactured by SINIX. From Grandfather Clock to digital clocks. So do you think there is a sense of buying vintage clocks if you can have the same value and quality in the modern ones?
Have a great day guys and happy blogging

Sunday, March 13, 2011


Summer is here so i suppose you already have plans for you summer vacation trip huh? But in case you don't have yet, then maybe you can try one of these famous beaches in the world.


The main islands are the visible parts of a range of submerged mountains, islets and rocks. The Archipelago of Fernando de Noronha hosts ecological sites ideal for exuberant marine animal life, due to its geographic location far from the continent and well within the path of the Southern Equatorial Currents, as well as the nature of its climate. Thanks to the deep clear water surrounding the island, Fernando de Noronha is a great location for scuba diving. Warm water and exuberant subaquatic fauna and flora can be found during dives from 25 to 40 m deep.


The archipelago of the Maldives is the main source of attraction to many tourists visiting the country worldwide.Maldives is very famous for its natural beauty which includes the blue ocean and white beaches, accompanied by clean air and pleasant temperatures. The climate of the Maldives is ideal for visitors to get engaged in water sports such as swimming, fishing, scuba diving, snorkeling, water-skiing and windsurfing. Due to its extraordinary underwater scenery and clean water, Maldives is ranked among the best recreational diving destinations of the world.


Anguilla is noted for its spectacular and ecologically important coral reefs and beaches. Apart from the main island of Anguilla itself, the territory includes a number of other smaller islands and cays, mostly tiny and uninhabited. The numerous bays — Barnes, Little, Rendezvous, Shoal, and Road—lure many vacationers to this tropical island. The coast and the beautiful, pristine beaches are integral to the tourism-based economy of Anguilla. Because of Anguilla’s warm climate, the beaches can be used year-round.


Boracay is an island of the Philippines located approximately 315 km (200 miles) south of Manila and 2 km off the northwest tip of Panay Island in the Western Visayas region of the Philippines. In 1990, it was voted by the BMW Tropical Beach Handbook as one of the best beaches in the world and again in 1996 by British publication TV Quick as the world's number one tropical beach. White Beach is the main tourism beach. It is about four kilometers long and is lined with resorts, hotels, lodging houses, restaurants, and other tourism-related businesses.Partly because of its wind and weather patterns, tourism in Boracay is at its peak during the Amihan season. During Amihan, the prevailing wind blows from the east. Boracay's main tourism area, White Beach, is on the western side of the island and is sheltered from the wind. During the Amihan season, the water off White Beach is often glassy-smooth. On the eastern side of the island, hills on the northern and southern ends of the island channel the Amihan season wind from the east onshore, onto Bulabog Beach in the central part of the island's eastern side. This makes the reef-protected waters off that beach ideal for windsurfing and kiteboarding / kitesurfing.


Horseshoe Bay is perhaps the most famous beach in Bermuda. A very popular tourist spot, it lies on the main island's south (Atlantic Ocean) coast, in the parish of Southampton. The sand of the beach is very fine and displays a pink tint. It is a famous tourist spot , it lies on the main island's south coast , in the parish of Southampton . Its white and pink sand which is cool to touch even in hottest temperatures would make you feel like talcum powder beneath your feet .

Friday, March 11, 2011


Before hooking ourselves from today's famous game characters like Sora or the cute Pocket monsters of Pokemon, these guys below marked their own names first in the gaming history. They are considered as Icon!




The character of Cloud has been overall well received by critics. IGN stated the character set a trend for role-playing game heroes. "The spiky blond hair and the gigantic Buster Sword have become instantly identifiable icons, recognized by gamers around the world."He was named best character of all time in Dengeki PlayStation's retrospective awards feature about the original PlayStation.



She is presented as a beautiful, intelligent, and athletic archaeologist-adventurer who ventures into ancient, hazardous tombs and ruins around the world. Lara Croft's 1996 debut is often cited as a catalyst for more female leads in video games. Lara Croft's introduction in the first Tomb Raider elicited a wide variety of praise. PlayStation: The Official Magazine felt she was becoming a video game icon for that generation. Lara Croft's debut "wowed the world with her ballsy attitude and tough girl image." Oh and this is also the character that brought Angelina Jolie to international stardom.



No he's not Zelda! the real name is Link. Link is depicted in some games as a human and in others as a Hylian boy from the fictional land of Hyrule. His age varies in each game, usually varying from pre-teen ages to a young adult. The character Link has been overall well received by critics and fans. In the 1988 and 1989 Nintendo Power Awards, readers voted him as the best character.He was voted by readers as the number one and three "Best Hero" in the 1993 and 1994 Nintendo Power Awards respectively. Link was also awarded a star on the Walk of Game in 2005 along with Miyamoto, the creator of the character.The series' enduring popularity has led to many incarnations of the story and Link himself; the character's first appearance was in the game The Legend of Zelda. Link has been featured in other video games from Nintendo, including its merchandising, comic books, and an animated television program.



Pac-Man is considered one of the classics of the medium, virtually synonymous with video games, and an icon of 1980s popular culture. Upon its release, the game—and, subsequently, Pac-Man derivatives—became a social phenomenon that sold a bevy of merchandise and also inspired, among other things, an animated television series and a top-ten hit single. When Pac-Man was released, the most popular arcade video games were space shooters, in particular Space Invaders and Asteroids. The most visible minority were sports games that were mostly derivative of Pong. Pac-Man succeeded by creating a new genre and appealing to both genders. Pac-Man is often credited with being a landmark in video game history, and is among the most famous arcade games of all time. Pac-Man is one of the longest running video game franchises from the golden age of video arcade games, and one of only three video games that are on display at the Smithsonian in Washington D.C. The game is regarded as one of the most influential video games of all time, for a number of reasons: its titular character was the first original gaming mascot, the game established the maze chase game genre, it demonstrated the potential of characters in video games, it opened gaming to female audiences, and it was gaming's first licensing success. Pac-Man went on to become an icon of video game culture during the 1980s, and a wide variety of Pac-Man merchandise was marketed with the character's image, from t-shirts and toys to hand-held video game imitations and even specially shaped pasta.Guinness World Records has awarded the Pac-Man series eight records in Guinness World Records: Gamer's Edition 2008, including First Perfect Pac-Man Game for Billy Mitchell's July 3, 1999 score and "Most Successful Coin-Operated Game"



Mario has appeared in over 200 video games since his creation. Mario is depicted as a short, pudgy, Italian-American plumber who lives in the Mushroom Kingdom. He repeatedly stops the turtle-like villain Bowser's numerous plans to kidnap Princess Peach and subjugate the Mushroom Kingdom. As Nintendo's mascot, Mario is arguably the most famous character in video game history, and his image is commonly associated with video games. Outside platform games, he has appeared in video games of other genres, including the Mario Kart racing series, sports games, such as the Mario Tennis and Mario Golf series, and role-playing games such as Paper Mario and Super Mario RPG. He has inspired television shows, film, comics, and a line of licensed merchandise. Mario was the first video game character to be honored with a wax figure in the legendary Hollywood Wax Museum in 2003. Since his creation, Mario has established himself as a pop culture icon, and has starred in numerous television shows, comic books, and in a feature film.
Mario's legacy is recognized by Guinness World Records, who awarded the Nintendo mascot, and the series of platform games he has appeared in, seven world records in the Guinness World Records: Gamer's Edition 2008. These records include "Best Selling Video Game Series of All Time", "First Movie Based on an Existing Video Game", and "Most Prolific Video Game Character", with Mario appearing in 116 distinct titles (not including remakes or re-releases).

Thursday, March 10, 2011

I just made a SMART decision!

I've been sharing different top five list and trivia here over the years and this time, let me share you something different, something personal. Blogging has already become a part of my life and it helped me a lot in so many ways. In fact, i considered the time that i discovered blogging as one of the most memorable moment in my life. It may sounds funny and a little bit over-the-top, but yes it's true. I just can't live a day without Internet or accessing any of my blogs. It's like a stress reliever to me already. Posting entries here and visiting other blogs used to keep all my stress away and I'm sure you guys feel the same way too.
Literally, i can't live a day without the Internet since my job is barely relying on it. Working as a freelance web writer is really a big challenge to me and is also the reason why i used to be online for about 13 to 18 hours a day. Let me share you something about my Freelance web writing experience and i hope this can inspire you too.
It was back year 2007 when i started to have this freelance web writing job. I discovered this way of making money online through my blogger friends who are also freelancers. Well, it really took my interest not because of the money that i can earn from it but because of the challenge that this job can offer. I'm really not a good English writer nor a good speaker but still, i decided to grab this opportunity and treated it not as a job but more of a challenge to test how far my English skills can go. Did you know that during my early years in blogging, i used to do my online activities on an Internet Cafe? Yup! I don't have my own computer at that time and besides, i am just a part time freelancer so whenever the Internet connection is slow, i have no choice but to bear with it. But when i decided to take this freelancing job seriously, both of my Ate Norms and Ate Belle (my blogging mentors), encouraged me to invest my savings and buy a computer of my own. And so i did and just few months ago, i switched to a new ISP because the previous one gave me nothing but headaches. I subscribed now to SmartBro! Anyway, the rest of my blogging experience is history and i am very happy and thankful to have you guys who keep on supporting my blogs all throughout. The reason behind this undying blogging motivation is you guys. Every time i think of my readers and blogger friends who appreciate my entries, i become more motivated and inspired. Oh, I should be thankful to my ISP too especially the SmartBro because without them, i will never have this wonderful blogging experience.
Since I already mentioned SMART BRO, I think this is also the perfect time to tell them how "very satisfied" i am as their subscriber. You know, it's funny because every time i encounter this "very satisfied" phrase, it always reminds me of my previous job. I worked as a call center agent before. I actually worked under a foreign ISP as a technical support associate and believe me guys, i know the drill and i know how this customer service works! I know how it feels when an irate customer calls in and how he or she yells at you over the phone. Yup! it's really pressuring and stressing yet i had so much fun! But of course, this is exactly a different thing with my SMART BRO and i'm 100% sure that i will never be an Irate customer for them. In fact, their customer support team is absolutely amazing! I just called their hot line yesterday not because i am complaining about their service but because i am intrigued by their new promo.

I used to visit their official web page to check on my bills and also to check for some freebies too. And then this new promo took my attention yesterday.
Just look at their amazing freebies if you subscribe on their SMART BRO Unlimited Home Broadband Plan 999 or 1995 plan.
  • Free All-In-One HP Printer
  • FREE Call & Texts with SMART Gold Lite Plan 300 for 6 months subscription
  • Free 1 month broadband subscription
This is my 3rd month as a subscriber of Smart bro and too bad i failed to have this amazing promo. But it's not too late since i am planning to upgrade my Plan 999 to the SmartBro WiMAX Plan 1995.


I just don't know if the upgrade will cover the freebies. I forgot to ask this one to the customer representative yesterday so better call again them tomorrow. But whether I will receive freebies or not, it doesn't really matter, i still want to try their WiMAX plan. It is said that WiMAX runs in a 4G environment which is much faster and more stable. Interesting right? Maybe, i'll try to apply this weekend.
Speaking of application, I had a funny experience during my application to Smart Bro. I was actually about to subscribe to different ISP at that time. I traveled almost 2 hours just to reach the nearest branch of that ISP only to know that our area is not a part of their coverage! (What the!!??). So i went home frustrated. Then I decided to dropped by on the market to shop some goods when i found 2 guys distributing these SmartBro leaflets. Actually, i still have those leaflets with me hehe.
And so i went to the SMART BRO booth near them and ask them more about their service. So i decided to subscribe to their 999 Plan and guess what, i think i just made a smart decision for choosing SMART BRO as my Internet Service Provider. The service is good and the connection is absolutely amazing.
It is very important to have a fast Internet Connection especially for us bloggers. I used to visit multiple websites everyday and I need a fast connection to support my daily online activity. I'm a game lover too and i need a fast connection to support my games and to provide ultimate gaming experience. Same thing goes with the Youtube and online movie fanatics. This is also a great advantage for us Filipinos who have relatives residing and working abroad where connecting them through websites or software like Skype and Yahoo Messenger with NO EASE is very important.
Okay that's all for now. I think i should mark this post on my calendar for being the longest entry i have ever had in my entire blogging history LOL.
Anyway, for my Filipino Readers, if you are interested about this new SMART BRO promo, just feel free to visit the nearest SMART Wireless Center or any SMART BRO accredited agents on your area. Remember that this Smart BRO Unlimited Home broadband promo will run from March 4 to June 4, 2011 only.

Why Should you get SMART BRO? Check this video to find out!

Have A great day and Happy Surfing guys!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Letters From Home

This season is way far better than the 3 previous seasons. All the finalist are very talented and the game is so unpredictable. Out of the 13 Finalist, my bet would be Thia Megia (i should be bias on this but she's really amazing especially when she sing a Capella at the beginning of her song ), Pia Toscano did great on her rendition of The Pretender's "I'll Stand by You", I also enjoy the amazing performance of Jacob Lusk as he sang Luther Vandross' A House is not a Home. But the one that gave me goosebumps would be the performance of Scott Mcceery. I just love country music so much and "Letters from Home" is one my my all time favorites from John Michael Montgomery. So here's my entry for this week. Hope you like it.

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PS: Because of spamming purposes, the linky will be closed on Thursday of each week at midnight, Malaysian Time. Thank you!
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Wednesday, March 2, 2011


Here comes the most awaited event next to Oscars haha.
Not so acticve last month but so glad that i manage to post some top five entries for this blog and also our IBOTM portion with Suituapui of Still crazy after all these years...

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four leaf clover divider Pictures, Images and Photos

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