After 2 consecutive months , here comes the final day where in we are about to hail the 4th Blog Idol Winner. But before that, let's just have a short recap of our previous Blog Idol seasons. Who are the the previous 3 winners? Blog Idol started last 2008 as a fun meme game. We do not have prizes on the first two seasons except for EC Cards and Web Award plaque. Last year, we held the first ever season that offers real prizes amounting to 150$ over all.Now it went up to $180 over all including the tokens and other prizes. Not to mention our Web Hosting service provided by our Sponsor.
And now for the Final result..... with the total of 211 votes..... the Blog Idol 2011 Winner is... (drum roll.........) Mona Abayle of Working At Home!!! Congratulations Mona Abayle. You will receive our Grand prize (40$ Cash Via Paypal, Personalized Mug, and a Free Web Hosting for one year)
Mai Yang is our Top 2 and will receive $15 Cash via Paypal and a Personalized Mugs.
Thank you guys for all your support. Here's a tribute Video for our Blog Idol Batch 2011! This year's Winning Song Entry - When You Believe by Mariah Carey and Whitney Houston
Til' next year guys.. Again, Congratulations to Mona Abayle!
Nope! Not the result yet but another interesting blog that all of us should look forward too most especially if you are an avid gamer like our featured blogger for this month. Remember my very cute header last year? Bablih is the blogger behind it and you guys will be amazed on how creative she is.
It's all about my online gaming life and artworks, and some other personal stuffs.
When And How did you start Blogging?
I started blogging since 2002, but my old blog is all gone now. Then I transferred to Blogger last 2007.
Blogs I Like (Characteristics)
Blogs that talk about arts and crafts, also blogs that talk about parenting and motherhood.
Blogs I Dislike (Characteristics)
What Motivates you to Blog?
My passion for drawing and online games.
Who Are your Target Readers?
Online gamers and chibi lovers.
What is Your Most Favorite post and Why?
My favorite posts would be the ones I posted last December 2007 & January 2008. That is when I was so addicted to online gaming that I spent my Christmas and New Year playing RAN Online and even blogged about it! (I miss those good old RAN Online days)
Things We Should Expect from your Blog these succeeding months
It would still be the same me, but hopefully some improvements in my artworks. :)
Tips For Our Readers About Blogging
Just continue on blogging what you love.. :)
Thank you so much Bablih for allowing me to feature your very interesting blog. Please do take this "Excellent Site Award" as a matter of appreciation.
FollowBablih at Lite n' Bablih Watch out for my next month IBOTM Awardee. Once again, this is Bluedreamer and Bablih , Breaking the Boundaries!
Here goes the much awaited event for Blog Idol History, the Finale where in we are about to crown the FOURTH BLOG IDOL WINNER. Blog Idol Started last 2008 as a fun meme game. We do not have prizes on the first two seasons except for EC Cards and Web Award plaque. Last year, we held the first ever season that offers real prizes amounting to 150$ over all. As you all know, Blog Idol has nothing to deal with those link building stuffs and is not requiring anyone to follow or subscribe to my website, however, they just have to place the Sponsor's Badge to thank our sponsors for making this contest possible but they can also remove it right after the competition. Generally, the game is just for fun and it has been a yearly tradition in my blog. Thank you guys for all the efforts and supports and I'll make sure that next year will be a bigger blast. ************************************
And now, for the Finale..... (drum roll)....... The 2 remaining Finalists picked their personal favorite song. So are you guys ready? This will be our Last round and I'm really really excited for it. The Scoreboard will not be visible for this blog and so as the detailed tally on Blog idol page just like what we did last year. I transferred them to a new page and will be revealed on the last Day of voting! I have 24 blogs so if you want, you can check them one by one to track your bet's votes
************************************ Again, we do not have specific category for this round. And now... Let the Blog Idol 2011 Finale begin!!!!
1. Mai Yang picked a Record breaking song from Jason Mraz. The song spent 76 weeks on the Hot 100, holding the record for most weeks spent on the chart, breaking the previous record set by LeAnn Rimes' song "How Do I Live" in 1998. "I'M YOURS"
And Finally after 7 consecutive rounds, here comes the much awaited Finale of our Blog Idol 2011. But before we reveal our Top 2, Let's just have a short Recap. We started the competition officially last September 5, showcasing 12 Blog Idol participants. This year is definitely a blast and hopefully, next year's event will be as exciting as this one.
Before anything else let us meet again our Top 12 Blog Idol Finalists
Thank you guys for participating and for the efforts that you offered for this game. I hope you had fun. Of course, the contest will not be possible without the help of our sponsors
Special thanks to Ma Belle for the One Year Free Web Hosting prize for our Grand winner.
Also thank you to Travel Norms for the sponsored Cash Prize.
And now.... Let us congratulate our TOP 2 FINALISTS Congratulations to Mai Yang and Mona Abayle !!
Genny will receive $10 Cash Via Paypal and a token! Tomorrow is the Start of our Finale Week. I hope you guys will keep on supporting the Final two. So, good luck to our Girls!!
Tadah! Here comes the Semi Final Round and we only have three girls left. This week, before the finale, we will be hitting Dance Song. Dance music is music composed specifically to facilitate or accompany dancing. It can be either a whole musical piece or part of a larger musical arrangement. In terms of performance, the major categories are live dance music and recorded dance music. ... Before we start, just a quick Reminder, You only have to pick a song for this round. It's ONE VOTE per VOTER. If you submitted more than a song, it will not be counted unless you change it.
***************************************** 1. Mai Yang picked a hit song from Katy Perry featuring Snoop Dogg. Here's "CALIFORNIA GURLS"
***************************************** 2. Mona Abayle submitted a signature hit from Rihanna. Here's "PLEASE, DON'T STOP THE MUSIC"
***************************************** 3. Gennypicked a classic hit from Madonna "VOGUE"
***************************************** Again you only have to pick ONE SONG for this round! You can Cast Your Votes Now!!! (Voting period will run until Saturday 12 mindnight) Top 2 will be revealed on Sunday ( October 23)
☒ Not been so active lately because I am currently applying for a job. I just went to attend a job interview yesterday and I think I did great! They told me to expect to receive a call from them next week so I'm looking forward to that. This is going to be a new phase in my life if ever, after being a full time web writer for a year. I'm excited and sad at the same time because i know it will kill most of my blogging time and I will not be as active as what i used to be this past few months because I have to adjust myself first.
☒ Because I am quite busy lately, Milzon and I failed to feature any new crafts in our Art Blog. We're supposed to make some Halloween related art projects this month but we haven't done anything until now. Though I have some crafts to share soon including my paper mache creation and some origamis I learned online. Hopefully I can share them next week.
☒ So far, the only reason why this blog is quite updated is because of my ongoing Blog Idol contest. October is the most unproductive month for my Top Five. I only got one Top Five list as of this moment. My blog Hopping routine is totally screwed up and hopefully i can catch things up again. So sorry guys!
☑ I'm going to change my layout soon.... I'm going to purchase another Header from a very creative blogger who will also be faetured in our IBOTM portion this month. If you're an avid fan of MMORPG, I'm sure you're gonna love her.
☑ I was able to send the first set of Blog idol prizes last Thursday. Those are the Smurf Keychains and PvZ plush toys. I don't have the mugs yet because I have to know the last Url from whoever will get the Top 4 Spot.
☑ Speaking of Blog Idol, Tonight is the last day of voting for our Round 6. TOP 3 will be revealed on Sunday. That would be the start of SEMI FINAL round. Voters should only have to pick a song. Again, that's ONE VOTE per VOTER so that's definitely a Make or Break Round for our finalist. Eliminated Participants are also allowed to vote starting next round.
☑ Despite of all the laziness and inactiveness in blogging, I am really happy that I won SK's Most Frequent Commenter Award for the third quarter year. Isn't so cute? A miniature replica of my blog yay! Thank you Sk for such a wonderful gift, you don't have any idea how happy I am to received such an award. I placed it on my working area to motivate me more in blogging. Thank you so much SK! You're the best!
Cheers! Blog Idol Round 6 is on and we only have 4 participants left. Before we proceed, I just want to remind you guys that starting this week, You only have to pick TWO SONGS. Any votes containing 3 song entries will not be counted unless they make changes. Facebook voters can comment using my FB Comment plugin. They can use the Intense Debate Comment System but they have to follow the old rules (check it here). Bloggers can cast their votes using the Intense Debate and must provide a working URL. If you're using a BLOGSPOT blogs, then you be signed in in your account. I will only allow individual URL submission if you're using WORDPRESS, self hosted domains, and other blogging platforms other then
And now, for this week Music theme. We will be hitting songs from the 90's. This diverse decade saw the continuation of teen pop of the 1980s and the emergence of grunge music and alternative rock in pop culture replacing glam metal and the continuation of hip hop's rise beginning midway in the '80s. It also featured the rise of contemporary country music as a major genre, which started in the 1980s. And now, for this week's entries.
***************************************** 1. Xan Gerna picked a signature hit from Alanis Morissette and was covered by Crystal Bowersox in an early round of her Idol performances. "HAND IN MY POCKET"
***************************************** 2. Mona Abayle submitted a song from Backstreet Boys which became one of their chart topper hits. "QUIT PLAYING GAMES (WITH MY HEART)
***************************************** 3. Gennychose a duet song from the film "Mask of Zorro" performed by Marc Anthony and Tina Arena. "I WANT TO SPEND MY LIFETIME"
***************************************** 4. Mai Yang picked a low-tempo love song ballad from the R&B duo, K-Ci & Jojo which is also the most successful song of their career. "ALL MY LIFE"
***************************************** Again you only have to pick your TOP 2 SONGS for this round! You can Cast Your Votes Now!!! (Voting period will run until Saturday 12 mindnight) Top 3 will be revealed on Sunday ( October 16)
It's been another week and thank you again for all your support. I just want to remind you guys that starting next week, all voters will only have to pick their TOP 2 songs instead of 3. We only have 3 weeks left before hailing the next Blog Idol. Woohoo. Just a quick post to Congratulate our participants who made it to the next round Meet our TOP FOUR
April Tarongoy will receive the personalized Inner Color Mug. Thank you so much my friend for being so sport and for joining the game. Thank you sooo much
Last week, I posted about this upcoming Action-drama series, "Untitled Jersey City Project" (check it here) and in case you missed it, lemme share a brief introduction about this highly anticipated series.
The story is set amidst the fast-developing Jersey City waterfront, just across the river from Manhattan. A shining new city is being built on the edge of this gritty town. But while the glass office towers and condos are sleek and new, the rules of the game haven't changed one bit.
Everyone here has something to gain - money, fame, power. Or they can lose big. Or they could end up dead.
The Story revolves around the architect, Frank George and his partner Ray Rahne who both worked hard to get their small, progressive architecture office in New York City to the next level. And then they had this big project in which they are about to design a new stadium complex across the Hudson in rough and tumble Jersey City.
Their client is notorious developer Larry Tyerman. Tyerman is a bare-knuckle negotiator lurking inside a bespoke suit, with connections to everyone - and anyone - with the power to push his projects through. Union bosses, politicians, even the local cops - everybody owes him a favor. And nobody wants to be the guy standing in his way, not with this much money on the line. Rumor has it that the stadium project is truly make or break for Tyerman. Desperation hasn't made him a more patient man.
Untitled Jersey City Project is a unique experiment in the development of an entertainment concept: it’s a work-in-progress television drama. The eight short-form episodes of Untitled Jersey City Project are fragments from a larger story, with many of the story threads left unresolved.
Things are getting so intense and I have watched 3 episodes already. The story is getting more intense indeed and it starts to confuse me in a way that it challenges me to explore and to dig more about it.
Episode 1 : Frank received a cryptic call from Ray , before Ray's fatal plunge from the 39th floor of the construction site. Everything remains a mystery and Frank has to solve the story behind his partner's mysterious death.
Episode 2 : The episode flashes back here and introduces two new characters, Larry Tyerman which is obviously the main antagonist in the series and Jane Kaplan, who works as a writer/ reporter at The Ledger.
Episode 3 : Frank and Ray attend an awards dinner for real estate mogul Larry Tyerman. After a few too many drinks, Ray risks more than just the job when he decides now is the perfect time address Tyerman’s questionable ethics. Things are quite getting clearer to me and it really excites me.
Untitled Jersey City Project is a production of Studio Progress Films in association with FX and is not the official title of the series. It is literally an untitled drama and is in need of a title. Interestingly, I went over their official web page and they are asking for some Title Proposals from their followers. Will buzz more about this drama and its progress soon. For the mean time, watch the rest of the episodes in Youtube.
By the way don't forget to leave your feedback about the video and let me now how much you've enjoyed it too. Thanks
This post brought to you by Net10. All opinions are 100% mine.
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NET10 also have The Easy Minutes Plus plan which is an automatic minutes plan that starts at $15.00 for 200 minutes. Their Pay-As-You-Go Plans on the other hand will carry over the minutes with active service. With all these benefits, I guess that's right enough reason to make a switch. And now, this is how you spend your MONEY WISELY.
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