Waah Am I late? Sorry for my late update guys.
I'm happy to introduce you the newest addition to our IBOTM Batch 2011.
I'm happy to introduce you the newest addition to our IBOTM Batch 2011.

Meet our friend Monica of Turn U Off.
Blog Title | Turn-u-Off |
Blog Author | Monica |
Blog Category | Personal |
What Is Your Blog All About? | My blog is all about stuff that turns you off! I kid. It's about my life in general and a little bit of everything through my lens. :) |
When And How did you start Blogging? | I started this blog in mid-2007. Ralph set up an account for me and suggested I blog as I really like to press buttons on a computer and I've always enjoyed writing. So I signed up and have been blogging and reading blogs since then and still enjoying it very much. Funny how addictive it can be, huh! |
Blogs I Like (Characteristics) | I like blogs that are well-written in an honest voice, dynamic, interesting and somewhat like my own, that are maintained by positive thinking individuals. Oh, filling your blog with stunning pictures will make me spend an extra minute on your site too! :D |
Blogs I Dislike (Characteristics) | I'm not a big fan of weird blogs. Reading blogs with no paragraphs, no line breaks, just a giant brick of words and clutter with too many advertisements and buttons feels like a chore. Also, I can't recall how many times I was interested in a post but gave up reading it because the colors and layout was too much for my poor eyes. |
What Motivates you to Blog? | Passion is what motivates me and to see my readers coming back for more again and again after their initial visit is a real motivator. The interactions in the blogosphere and with readers keep me writing even when I go through blogging ‘dry spells’. |
Who Are your Target Readers? | Readers from all walks of life. |
What is Your Most Favorite post and Why? | Hmmm...Weird thing is that I don't actually have a favorite post. I love all my posts in general. :P |
Things We Should Expect from your Blog these succeeding months | I will try to produce contents that add value to the lives of my readers. |
Tips For Our Readers About Blogging | Don't expect success without promoting. Even if you've great content you'll need to work your butt off getting people to visit your blog and read it. Don't update your blog 20 times a day. You'll look desperate and lose your subscribers. Don't insult your readers by posting content that's full of errors, or has broken sentences. When writing your blog entries, think of what you would want to read on someone else’s blog and what would keep you coming back for more. :) |
Thank you so much Monica
for allowing me to feature your very interesting blog. Please do take this "Excellent Site Award" as a matter of appreciation.
for allowing me to feature your very interesting blog. Please do take this "Excellent Site Award" as a matter of appreciation.

Watch out for my next month IBOTM Awardee.
Once again, this is Bluedreamer and Monica
, Breaking the Boundaries!