hello guys i know that most of you notices that im not being around ,,,,,
its because i not feeling better since last tuesday..
im so sick
im so sorry if miss a lot of your post
but i promise to go back i miss you guys
i also missed a lot of top five to be post... but i know that should noe t have miss this one

are you looking for UNIQUE blogs? blogs with a doze of wonderful writeups that will cherish and foster you up?
well i would like to recommend you this two hot blogs.....
by twinks&
by chuck

Please kindly share with us what your blog is all about
My memoir, which I’m currently writing … about being a ward of the state as a teenager. In general, I post about what’s happening to me now, what happened to me then and recently started posting excerpts as well. I’ll soon add more on book reviews, other recommended memoirs/reading, etc. BUT. Must. Make. It. Fun. So, I throw in as much humor as possible, a dash here and there about my poochie, ‘cause she’s perfect (Chinese Shar-pei) and a pinch about my family too so as to get people from all over the world to fall in love with me. What. I can’t help it. I am what I am.
My blog is basically about my life. It’s my writing space. I consider my blog as the sanctuary of my thoughts; it’s my diary
Your blog is truly impressive and unique....Are you following a certain format or concept for it?
Ahhh, what a nice thing to say, Blue *smoochies* I had Nap Warden of NW Designs redesign it to place the emphasis on my memoir – the rest is just plain fun. I want people to laugh (and maybe cry too when I share some of the sad times in my life, that is). My way of reeling people in *wink* Sorta maybe “playing on people’s emotions,” if ya know what I mean.
I don’t think I follow any certain format or concept in my blog. When it comes to posting, I just write what’s on my mind freely and expressively. Some readers may find my post interesting and some may find it pointless. When it comes to my blog’s design, I don’t follow any theme at all. I change my blog’s layout when my mood strikes me. If you noticed, I frequently change the layout, it’s because as much as possible I want the design of my blog to be unique and to be different from others; I want my blog to be a reflection of me; the artistic side of me.
How did you start blogging? What factor or thing attracted you in blogging?
My brother mentioned it, and I didn’t know what it was *giggling* After doing research for my book proposal, I learned about the importance of building a platform and thereby landed myself a blog. In other words, I started it to get my name out there and to get readers interested in who I am and what I have to say so that when my book is finally published (in the year 2020), they’ll want to share my story with me and subsequently spread the word.
I have always loved writing but I hate the idea of owning a diary. Then one day I started reading other people’s blog and I got fascinated by it. Reading and commenting on others blogs stimulated the writer in me. I got inspired by it that I created my own blog.
I know how attractive all your posts are. Are there any of them you consider the hottest or your most favorite and why?
My favorites include all those labeled Memoir in the Works and Humor. I believe if I’m crying or laughing, then others will too.
I reckon my post “Being Asian Here” is the one I consider my favorite. That post was an eye opener to me. I wrote that post so that others will know what I’ve experienced being an Asian here. Fortunately, that post did receive quite a few comments of which I didn’t expect
Do you believe that "everyone’s blog is unique on its own special way"? Please support your answer.
Of course! We all have individuality to express – that’s the reason for having a blog: to spread the love in rare and distinctive ways
Nobody is born equal, alike or the same. We all are different in every ways, our own ways. We all are unique in our own special ways. Every blogger has his/her own style may it be in the post, the content or even the design. The blog header itself creates a uniqueness in a blog, even the title
Are you prior to gain community member? if yes what principle you are much prefer to use "join my community and ill join yours" or join a community if and only you found it interesting or something you can relate to"?
The world is a melting pot of all different types of people. I am all for joining as many communities as I can, so as to learn about others and find a common ground. I would hope others feel the same way, but if they don’t, that’s acceptable too.
When I started blogging I was very hot when it comes to joining communities. I thought the more communities I join the more readers I’ll gain but I was mistaken. I realized that others don’t really return the favor by joining my community too. I actually follow two principles: “join my community and I’ll join yours” and “join a community if and only you found it interesting or something you can relate to”
Any last words for our month theme "unique is hot"?
Live, love, laugh as if every day is your last
First and foremost, thanks a zillion blue for this opportunity. It feels great! Hihi. Honestly, I really really appreciate you finding my blog an interesting and unique one. I didn’t expect that I’ll be the IBOTM. To all, thanks for visiting my humble blog and thanks for being my friend. I hope that you all enjoyed every second of your visit in my blog. I’m currently on a vacation and is always on the go so updating my blog is the last thing I can do now. To all, please don’t be shocked or surprised if my blog ‘s last entry is weeks ago. I’m missing the blogsphere terribly already. I promise to visit you all when I get back. I do have a lot of stories to share. :] Once again, a heartfelt thanks to you blue and to all bloggers. Remember guys, “being unique is hot”. I wanna share to you this quote by Melissa Etheridge “Don't let anyone tell you that you have to be a certain way. Be unique. Be what you feel.”
its because i not feeling better since last tuesday..
im so sick
im so sorry if miss a lot of your post
but i promise to go back i miss you guys
i also missed a lot of top five to be post... but i know that should noe t have miss this one

are you looking for UNIQUE blogs? blogs with a doze of wonderful writeups that will cherish and foster you up?
well i would like to recommend you this two hot blogs.....
by twinks&
by chuck

please do take this award as an appreciation
so long my fello readers for the next IBOTM
next month theme will be "CLASSIC"
this is bluedreamer
next month theme will be "CLASSIC"
this is bluedreamer