Wednesday, August 31, 2011


Yay! It's the start of the so called Ber months (Sept-Dec) and there are so many events to look forward to. As you can see in my side bar, we have the countdown widget for our Blog Idol event. We only have 4 days left before our competition begins.
But before that, My youngest brother will celebrate his 8th birthday this coming Sunday (Sept. 4). I just treat him in advance last week that's why i've been away from the blogosphere for three days hehe.
(recycled pic from our Santa Hat Project)
Happy Birthday Milzon! Woohoo.
Oh and my late grandma will celebrate her birthday 79th birthday this coming September 10 too. :(
Anyway, here's my Top commentators ranking for the month of August. Thank you guys for supporting my blog. The score for August will be added to September to prize the top five commentators. ^_^ I've been in the blogosphere for almost four years so i guess this is the best way to say thank you for you, my blogging buddies who keep on supporting me ^_^

  1. SK
  2. Mariuca
  3. Foongpc
  4. Twilight Man
  5. Caroline May Ling
  6. Gagay
  7. Mai
  8. Suituapui
  9. Raffy / Jean Yummy / Monica
  10. Nisha / Anney / Ishmael Ahab

  1. SK
  2. Mariuca
  3. Mai
  4. Foongpc
  5. Suituapui
  6. Anney
  7. Raffy
  8. Twilight Man
  9. Caroline May Ling
  10. Ishmael Ahab / Nisha

  1. SK
  2. Mariuca
  3. Caroline May Ling
  4. Mai
  5. Nisha


Sunday, August 28, 2011


It's IBOTM time and I'm really hapy about our featured blogger for this month. She's an amazing mommy blogger with 2 cute little chefs.

Blog Title My Little Sprouts

Blog Author

Alice Law

Blog Category

What Is Your Blog All About?

It is about bringing up and nurturing my 2 beautiful kids. Like bearing trees, from flimsy shoots to saplings; from young trees to strong fruitful trees with bundles of loves and patience! p/s: Hoping that they could shade and contribute to others in their future.
When And How did you start Blogging?

I used to scrapbooking and kept a journal for my girl(My 1st child). Sadly after the arrival of my boy, my lazy bum hindered me from keeping up the hard copy. Eventually I resolve to blogging, which I reckon it is an easier way to jot down the chronicles of my lovely kids!

Blogs I Like (Characteristics)
Any interesting blogs about parenting, food and travels, adventure, art and crafts.

Blogs I Dislike (Characteristics)
Commercialize blog

What Motivates you to Blog?

I personally have pretty bad memory, thus it's better for me to jot down those precious moment of my kids before my amnesia kicks in!

Who Are your Target Readers?
Anyone who appreciate and like little kiddos like mine!

What is Your Most Favorite post and Why?

It's hard to pick one though... but I'd think "C For Cookies" , this is the very beginning of my kids' baking journey.

Things We Should Expect from your Blog these succeeding months
More fun baking and cooking from My Little Sprouts!

Tips For Our Readers About Blogging

Keep the post fun and simple! Happy blogging everyone!

Thank you so much Alice Law
for allowing me to feature your very interesting blog. Please do take this "Excellent Site Award" as a matter of appreciation.

Follow Alice Law at My Little Sprouts and My Parentology Lab
Watch out for my next month IBOTM Awardee.
Once again, this is Bluedreamer and Alice Law
, Breaking the Boundaries!


Let's Straight Talk!!

This post brought to you by Straight Talk. All opinions are 100% mine.

There are only two things that remind me about about Straight Talk. The first one is the 1992 Dolly Parton movie which I just watched last night.

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You know how much I adore Dolly and this is one of my favorite movies from her. The story of "Straight Talk" is very light but very entertaining at the same time. Dolly Parton portrayed the role of Shirlee Kenyon, a country girl who accidentally became a popular radio talk show host. Since she needs a job, she accepted to be a radio show host however she had to pretend that she's a real clinical psychologist and people starts calling her as "Doctor Shirlee", one of the most popular radio personality.  She later confessed her true identity over her radio station. Straight Talk is also the title of their sound track recorded by Dolly Parton.

Image Hosted by
 Another thing that reminds me of Straight Talk is the well known mobile phone provider with that shares the same name. It is one of the newest brands of TracFone and is currently exclusive to Walmart Stores. Here's what i like about them.

STYLISH PHONES - Straight Talk only uses trusted phone manufacturers like LG, Motorola, Kyocera, Nokia and Samsung. My personal pick would be their Nokia E71. I had that phone last year. It was actually my mom who recommend the phone to me and as what they say, mom knows best and I am very grateful that i followed her advice because i never  had any issue with that phone. I am just too careless because i accidentally dropped the phone into water! Sigh... :( Well most of us thought  that prepaid  phone companies do not tend to have high quality phone available but let me take Straight Talk as an exemption. They got cool and amazing high end smart phones.

► AFFORDABLE PREPAID PLANS- Their stylish phones come up with  very affordable prepaid plans. Their plans will definitely cut your cellphone bills into half. You can avail their  Unlimited Monthly service for as low as $45 in which you can get everything you need including services like calls, text, picture messaging, and web. Their “All You Need Plan” is very ideal too with 1,000 minutes, 1,000 texts and 30 MB of web data.

► INTERNATIONAL LONG DISTANCE- If you have relatives abroad, then you might want to consider Straight Talk too. Straight Talk International Long Distance Service is a flexible prepaid calling service that enables you to make international calls from your home, cell or office phone at low rates. You can now call a friend or your relative without worrying about the high bills.

SAVE YOUR MONEY -Just like what i said, Straight Talk Affordable prepaid plans will cut your phone bills into half which will give you a chance to spend your money into a much useful things. You can check a video testimonial from Scott and see how much Straight Talk prepaid plans helped him with his monthly budget.

You can check their official web page at and see how Straight Talk can give everything you need and make you feel richer ^_^

Have a great day guys and happy blogging to everyone!

Visit Sponsor's Site

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Random Notes # 3

►Prizes were sent - Yay! The plushies are on their way now to our 6 fellow bloggers! SK / Gagay / Mariuca / Caroline May Ling / Foongpc/ Alice Law. Thank you guys for your continuous support to my blog ^_^ (haha that's exactly what i wrote in the small card enclosed in your package LOL)
►A Prize From Alter Space - Remember my post about the first ever Filipino Environmental Awareness game on Faceboo? The Alter Space? Well they had this iPad promo last month, even though i failed to win the grand prize, I was able to receive one of the consolation prizes, the Water Clock!.
This Eco-friendly, water powered Clock is truly amazing. I will show you how it works in a separate post (will buzz you about it, I might post it to my BlueDreamer site or my Our Little Corners Blog)
►Clay Art Theme. After the very successful Cosplay Art last July, here comes a new theme!! This time, we'll be focusing on a specific medium which is CLAY. We already feature some of our Clay Crafts here. Here's our official Our Little Corner banner for our Clay Art theme. Expect to see some PvZ , Smurfs, Angry Birds and more clay art this month up to September.

►Newly Discovered Software- Look at my newest Desktop Wall paper!
Believe it or not, Milzon (my lil bro) is the one behind this art. Well, my Adobe Photoshop just expired last year (haha just downloaded it online but failed to get a working serial in some serial generator sites LOL so i ended up removing my Photoshop in my PC.
Well, a month before its expiration, I discovered a software known as SAI Paint Tool. This software will allow you to sketch using your mouse. It's quite complicated actually but it's really fun to use.
I was really upset because i can no longer use my Photoshop to edit my pictures , i decided to search some alternatives and I found one in the nature of a software called GIMP. The features here is almost the same with Photoshop but unlike Adobe Photoshop, you can get the software for free (don't worry this is not a sponsored post LOL).

The Picture above is 100% done by my little brother woohoo so artistic of him right? hehe
►My New baby!! - Yes, I have a new born baby which is 8 days old now. I am referring to my newest blog.. WHAT!!!???? NEW BLOG???? Surprised!!!! hahaha As of today, I am handling 22 blogs over all.
Show Buzz Ness belongs to a new genre. Unlike my TV Marathon, this blog will focus more on movies and other celebrity gossips local and abroad (Hollywood in particular). I hope you can visit me here to and FOLLOW me if you have time.

►Post about Korean's Influences and their Successful Electronics Industry. I would like to grab this opportunity as well to invite you to visit my entry about Korea and their successful Electronics and Automotive Industry (Samsung , LG, Hyundai). You can leave your comment here.

►As for the Blog Idol, We will start this coming September 5. You can Check our Countdown widget in my sidebar. We have 10 days left and the Blog Idol will officially start.

►that's all for now, have a great day guys and happy blogging!


Monday, August 22, 2011

Thanksgiving Day!!!

Today is my Thanksgiving Day LOL. I would like to thank all the bloggers who gave the following awards to me.

This is a very special award from a very special blogger friend , Stevehan of Artistic World. The Commendable Comments Award aims to award bloggers who left sensible comments on his blog. Thanks a lot Steve!
Anyway, speaking of comments, I think we should all practice how to leave comment properly. Make sure it's relevant. It doesn't have to be very novelistic but it doesn't have to be very short either. Comments that show compliments like "nice Blog" or "great blog" are not that complimenting at all since you are not so sure if they read your entire entry or their just doing it for promotion purposes.

The Versatile Blogger Award came to Anney of Blog ni Ako. Actually there's a rule for this tag and i have to pass it along to at least 15 fabulous blogger. It's really hard to pick 15 bloggers so I'm sharing this award to everyone in my Blog List. You all deserve this guys!

Just a Quick update to our Blog Idol. We are all set to start this September 5. Yay!

(picture from Bulinggit Corner FB page)
I told you that today is my thanksgiving day and this time, I'm going to thank my TOP 5 Commentators last Month.
SK / Gagay / Mariuca / Caroline May Ling / Foongpc
Each of them will receive a mini Plants Vs Zombies Plush toy Keychain. I Ordered these from Bulinggit Corner. Thank You guys!!!
Now remember my post about my upcoming giveaway related to Our Little Corners ' 3rd Year Anniversary? (check it here)
I decided not to have a blog contest but instead, I will award a follower who has been very supportive to our crafts. And she's no other than Alice Law of My Little Sprouts. She will also receive the PvZ Plush Toy Keychain.
Thank you so much guys for all your support yay!
Since this post is all about Awards, I'm going to dedicate my Music Monday Entry to our very own Lea Salonga who recenlty hailed as one of the Disney Legends. Lea Salonga is the singing voice of two of the Disney Princesses, Princess Jasmine of Aladdin and Mulan. She's the original voice behind the 2 highly successful songs, "A Whole New World" and "Reflection" which was also recorded by Christina Aguilera.
Anyway, here's "A Whole New World" performed by Brad kane and Lea Salonga at the 65th Academy Awards

Come join Music Monday and share your songs with us. Rules are simple. Leave ONLY the ACTUAL LINK POST here and grab the code below and place it at your blog entry. You can grab this code at LadyJava's Lounge Please note these links are STRICTLY for Music Monday participants only. All others will be deleted without prejudice.
(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

PS: Because of spamming purposes, the linky will be closed on Thursday of each week at midnight, Malaysian Time. Thank you!

Caroline May Ling

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