6 faces of spending christmas
Christmas is the time when Christ was born and we are celebrating this as a matter of thanks giving to the son of our lord and the matter of remembering the day he has born.
Christmas is the time when family reunites especially during Christmas Eve.
Although there are variations of the way we are spending it.
Let me share you these faces of spending Christmas:
I have the list of 6 but if you think i missed out something please kindly post it here so that we may share it to other readers.
I made use of simple terms to identify the following faces easily.
refers to the person whose spending his/her christmas with his/her family.Family Bonding is the merriest moment of celebrating Christmas
refer to the person whose celebrating their christmas with their friends.This time the person finds hapiness end enjoyment of celebrating christmas by hanging out with his/her peers.For them, Christmas is more of celebration and friendship bonding
we may also include those person who celebrate their christmas incomepletely as of either one of the member of the family was gone(with the mater of acceptence) and such thing like long distance relationship.
we can also include here those lovers who choose to celebrate their christmas together rather than staying out with their family(if you were asking why i put this category here, simply because we are talking about Christmas day and not Valentines day)
this is the worst way of celebrating christmas.this refer to those person whose celebrating christmas alone such those person like orphans or people under the state of too much depression who decided to celebrate christmas alone
we can also include here those vegars on the street. The worst thing here is they dont even feel the real spirit of christmas like the manner of giving gifts or eating great dishes in chrstmas eve
a broken family is also included here.You can able to celebrate christmas if your family is incomplete and under the state of misunderstanding .
this refers to those person who celebrate christmas while working.They have no choice but to prioritize their work rather that celebrating their christmas with their family.This people includes night shifters such as call center agents ,doctors and nurses, watchmen and security officers.
the worst case of celebrating christmas is to celebrate it in the hospital either you or one of the member of your family.the spirit of christmas here is diveded with hapiness pain and fear
this includes those peoplke who's involved in religions who doesnt even celebrating christmas.it would be better not to say those religion as of their privacy and respect
how about you? how do you spend your christmas